Jean-Claude Juncker Denies Leak Claiming Theresa May 'Begged For Help' On Brexit

Jean-Claude Juncker Denies Leak Claiming Theresa May 'Begged For Help' On Brexit

A senior aide to Jean-Claude Juncker has denied leaking details of a private dinner between the EU commission president and Theresa May.

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) reported the prime minister “begged for help” on Brexit, seemed “anxious” and “tormented” as well as “despondent and discouraged”.

May’s former chief of staff, Nick Timothy, has blamed Martin Selmayr, Juncker’s chief of staff, for the leak.

After constructive Council meeting, Selmayr does this. Reminder that some in Brussels want no deal or a punitive one

— Nick Timothy (@NickJTimothy) October 22, 2017

This is false. I know it does't fit your cliché, @NickJTimothy. But @JunckerEU & I have no interest in weakening PM

— Martin Selmayr (@MartinSelmayr) October 23, 2017

I deny that 1/we leaked this; 2/Juncker ever said this; 3/we are punitive on Brexit. It's an attempt 2 frame EU side & 2 undermine talks.

— Martin Selmayr (@MartinSelmayr) October 23, 2017

The dinner was held last Monday ahead of the EU summit in Brussels.

At the meeting EU leaders said they would begin scoping work on future trade talks while making clear to May that she must make more concessions on Britain’s divorce payment for negotiations to progress.

Earlier this year, Selmayr was accused of leaking to FAZ details of a private dinner between May and Juncker at 10 Downing Street, which the Commission president was said to have left “10 times more sceptical” than when he arrived.

Liam Fox has said Brexit talks on a future trade relationship will only be complicated if the EU decides to “punish Britain for having the audacity”.

The international trade secretary yesterday warned Brussels to put the prosperity of EU citizens ahead of any desire to make the UK pay a price for quitting the bloc, and sign a mutually beneficial trade agreement.

But Emily Thornberry, the shadow foreign secretary, warned that “intransigence” from Theresa May has left Britain “heading for no deal”.


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