Eric Monkman's Fans Devastated As Joey Goldman And Balliol College, Oxford Take Universty Challenge Title

But Monkman's response showed he's a true champion in his own right.

Since Eric Monkman charged onto University Challenge back in September in a whirlwind of enthusiasm and bellowed answers, his thousands of avid fans were certain he would be crowned the champion of the series.

But it was Joey Goldman and his Balliol College, Oxford team who stormed to victory in tonight’s nail-biting final, kicking Wolfson College, Cambridge into second place, winning 190 points to 140.

Balliol College, Oxford stormed the finale in a brilliant performance against Monkman and his Wolfson College, Cambridge team
Balliol College, Oxford stormed the finale in a brilliant performance against Monkman and his Wolfson College, Cambridge team

While Goldman and his team mates gave a brilliant performance, they were seemingly helped by Monkman’s stressed state, with the Canadian student repeatedly buzzing in early with incorrect answers.

“I’m so worried Monkman is cracking under the vast weight of pressure of the University Challenge final,” one fan wrote on Twitter.

Monkman's nerves appeared to get the best of him in tonight's show
Monkman's nerves appeared to get the best of him in tonight's show


The competition was tight for most of the episode, but a final push from Goldman, Pope, Potts and Lloyd cemented an Oxford win.

Goldman’s fans might not usually be as vocal as the #Monkmaniacs, but they were certainly out in force tonight to celebrate the 23-year-old’s victory:

Joey Goldman is my hero #UniversityChallenge

— Running Badger (@Running_badger) April 10, 2017

Goldman after beating Monkman. #UniversityChallenge

— Bradley Cates (@Bradley_Cates) April 10, 2017

Turns out, Goldman is Monkman's kryptonite. #UniversityChallenge

— Jeanna Skinner (@JeannaLStars) April 10, 2017

But it seemed no-one was more pleased for the Balliol team than Monkman himself. Many viewers commented on the Canadian student’s gracious reaction to his loss:

Did u see how sporting Monkman was, first to clap for Oxford. What a legend. #UniversityChallenge

— Janet Clynes (@ClynesJanet) April 10, 2017

So gracious even in defeat, Monkman is still my hero.

— MJ (@Joshwoman85) April 10, 2017

@e_monkman Gracious in defeat. A true gentleman and a star. I've enjoyed watching you. Good luck with life. #Monkman #UniversityChallenge

— smbex (@smbex) April 10, 2017

And the fact that Monkman and his team mates failed to lift the University Challenge trophy certainly didn’t deter his league of fans praising him and his incredible run during the series:

'The people’s prince: that’s how he will stay, how he will remain in our hearts, in our memories forever'. @e_monkman #UniversityChallenge

— Catherine Flanagan (@CathFlanagan) April 10, 2017

Just in case there is any doubt where my loyalties lie tonight... #universitychallenge #monkmania

— gemma henson (@gemmaprimrose) April 10, 2017

Monkman may not have won the #UniversityChallenge but he has surely won our heart ♥.

— Manish Shaarma (@Manishshaarma) April 10, 2017

Fans will now have to wait until August to see if next year’s series ever match this year’s fanatical fandoms, nail-bitingly close matches and ridiculously brainy contestants.


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