Labour MP Clive Lewis Apologises For Telling Someone To 'Get On Your Knees B****'

Party condemns 'unacceptable' language.
Empics Entertainment

Labour MP Clive Lewis has been reprimanded by the party after a video emerged of him appearing to tell an audience member at an event to get “on your knees, bitch”.

Female MPs from across the Commons condemned the Norwich South MP after his comments were posted on the Guido Fawkes website.

Lewis, who has been tipped as a potential future party leader, apologised for what he said during an event organised by the pro-Jeremy Corbyn Momentum organisation during the Labour Party conference.

I apologise unreservedly for the language I used at an event in Brighton last month. It was offensive and unacceptable.

— Clive Lewis (@labourlewis) October 20, 2017

A Labour spokesperson said: “The Labour Party condemn the language used by Clive Lewis. It was completely unacceptable and falls far short of the standard we expect of Labour MPs.”

Harriet Harman, former acting Labour leader and the longest-serving female MP in Parliament, said she was “dismayed” by Lewis’ behaviour, which she branded “inexplicable and inexcusable”.

Jess Phillips, the Birmingham Yardley MP and women and equalities select committee member, said: “Obviously I am appalled, just listened to 7 teenage girls speak up about gender inequality. Perhaps I’ll bring them to work on Monday.”

Tory MP Mims Davies tweeted: ”Astounding inappropriate language from @labourlewis I think @jessphillips needs to get you on an URGENT training course. This must stop.”

But journalist Dawn Foster defended Lewis, clarifying that the Labour MP directed his comments at a male audience member.

For context, I'm stood next to Clive in this video - he said it to a male audience member in jest, not me

— Dawn Foster (@DawnHFoster) October 20, 2017

On Friday a new website was set up called ‘LabourToo’ which encouraged women within the Labour Party to anonymously share their experiences of sexual abuse inside the party.

Inspired by the #MeToo movement on Twitter and promoted by Labour MPs, the website asks people to fill in a form detailing what has happened to them.

“This project seeks to enable women to share their stories anonymously so that we can build a compendium of the types of abuse women face which all too often are unseen, ignored or swept under the carpet,” a statement on the site said.

“We know that despite everything the Labour Party stands for, women are not believed, told they are lying, or in some cases their potential careers within the Party are threatened.”

LabourToo – With Labour women, for Labour women, by Labour women

— Sarah Champion (@SarahChampionMP) October 20, 2017

LabourToo – With Labour women, for Labour women, by Labour women #notjustshowbiz

— Tracy Brabin MP (@TracyBrabin) October 20, 2017

The creators of the website intend to then hand the findings to senior members of the Labour Party.

Earlier today, a freelance journalist was suspended from the Labour Party after allegations of sexual harassment were made against him.

Sources told HuffPost UK Sam Kriss has been informed via letter that his membership has been suspended pending further investigations.


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