The Internet Is Having A Lot Of Fun With Memes Of Lady Gaga's Chromatica II/911 Transition

Many iconic British TV moments have been given the Chromatica treatment.

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Every so often, Twitter throws up a trend that gets us absolutely howling, and the latest has seen fans getting very creative with a track on Lady Gaga’s latest album.

On her newest release, Chromatica, Gaga features a number of orchestral transitions between some of her tracks.

Fans have particularly fallen in love with ‘Chromatica II’, which bridges the gap between Fun Tonight and 911 in very dramatic fashion.

Since the album’s release last month, people have discovered that it actually lends itself very nicely to soundtracking some memorable (and often ridiculous) TV and film moments, and the results have been seriously inspired...

Many Coronation Street clips have received the Chromatica treatment, starting with Gail and Eileen scrapping on t’cobbles

Gail and Eileen x 911 transition

— Lewis Pringle 🌹 (@lewispringle) June 21, 2020

Gail throwing a pie at Deirdre

Gail Platt throwing a pie at Deirdre Barlow’s face to the Chromatica II - 911 transition

— 🥃Russell (@RussellHayward) June 22, 2020

Richard Hillman trying to kill the Platt family by driving them into a river

Corrie x 911 Transition

— joe (@j0sephharrison) June 21, 2020

And the moment that tram came plunging off the viaduct

Chromatica II transition to 911 X The iconic Corrie tram crash

— Sharon Mitchell’s Toyboy (@shazstoyboy) June 21, 2020

Infamous EastEnders moments have also been memed, including ‘bubbly’s in the fridge’

Bubbly’s In The Fridge x 911 transition

— Shirley Carter’s Pussy (@ShirleyPussy) June 21, 2020

And Sharon getting cream poured all over her

Eastenders Sharon’s Creamy surprise x 911 Transition

— Shirley Carter’s Pussy (@ShirleyPussy) June 21, 2020

One remix set to the scene of Mulan leaving home in the Disney classic could literally have been in the film

Anyway here’s the scene where Mulan leaves home cut to the transition from Chromatica II into 911

— Tom Zohar (@TomZohar) June 11, 2020

A Tomb Raider remix was as equally iconic

Chromatica II to 911 transition in Tomb Raider II 💥

— Lara Chromatica (@LaraChromatica) June 13, 2020

The transition was also a perfect fit to Alison Hammond sending a shirtless model plunging into the Albert Dock live on This Morning

chromatica II / 911 (with alison hammond)

— s c o t t 🌸 (@_scottg_) June 21, 2020

And also to the moment her This Morning co-star Josie Gibson’s rollercoaster ride

Chromatica II / 911 transition with Josie Gibson...because obviously

— Tom Evans (@t0mevans) June 22, 2020

Not to mention Ainsley Harriott entering a pensioner’s house with a frying pan, proclaiming, “Why, helllloooo, Jill!”

Alison and Ainsley X Chromatica

— Levi 🌻🌈 (@scally_cinnamon) June 22, 2020

Gemma Collins’ infamous fall on Dancing On Ice is especially excellent

Gemma Collins x Chromatica II / 911

— Liv Marks ♡︎ (@OliviaLilyMarks) June 23, 2020

See also: Fearne Cotton shattering a revolving door

Fearne cotton breaking a revolving door - Chromatica II into 911 transition

— Jack (@spongebobblob) June 21, 2020

Wendy Williams was literally shook by the transition

Wendy reacts to Chromatica II transition to 911🚨 #howyoubooin🗽

— Anthony Dalmeida (@eggplAnthony) June 23, 2020

The there was this nostalgic X Factor moment

Here is my one and only attempt at an iconic #Chromatica II into 911 transition. If this hasn’t gone viral by the time I wake up, I’ll feel let down by all of you.

— Stuart (@st_ua_rt) June 22, 2020

And the transition was also set to this iconic runway transition on RuPaul’s Drag Race

to all the chromatica lovers, and in honor of @canadasdragrace coming soon, i tried to match the chromatica II to 911 transition with brooke lynn’s runway ruveal... @Bhytes1 ❤️

— ma (BOB DAY ❤️) (@marymaryskaf) June 15, 2020

And of course, no viral mash up would be complete without an honourable mention to David’s Dead from Celebrity Big Brother

this might be my favourite chromatica II transition ever. like ever.

— emily 🦋 (@missemilyjayx) June 22, 2020

There’s also been some incredible music mash ups too, including to Kylie’s Can’t Get You Out Of My Head

Chromatica II but it transitions into Can't Get You out of My Head

— Maxwell Fong (@maxwell_fong) June 15, 2020

But perhaps the best of the lot belongs to this guy...

This is the ONLY way the Chromatica II to 911 transition should make you feel

— 〄 diggy | ʎƃƃıp ッ (@LiteralEnigma) June 12, 2020

Morgan Kibby, one of the composer’s of the Chromatica II/911 transition recently spoke about the overwhelming reaction from fans in an interview with Entertainment Weekly.

He said: “Chromatica II was the final piece we composed, and at that point it was clear to Gaga that it should fall right before 911, which was already complete. I remember this moment in the studio so clearly, because she lit up, and without any words I flipped the keyboard around, pulled up the string sound she was envisioning, and she started to play this amazing marcato idea. From there, we massaged it, and I focused on the harmonies and dynamics to make sure it amped the energy up.”

Morgan added: “Ultimately none of us had any idea people would embrace this small moment as such a highlight. It brings me so much joy that one of my favourite moments with her, personally, ended up being some of her fans’ favourites, musically.”


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