Letters Are Falling Off The Walls Of The Conservative Conference Again

Oh no.

In what could be an ominous sign for Theresa May, letters are falling off the walls of the Conservative Party conference again.

The Guardian’s Rajeev Syal spotted the drooping S while walking around the conference centre in Birmingham on Monday.

Uh oh... #cpc18 pic.twitter.com/a2EXHVNIS2

— rajeev syal (@syalrajeev) October 1, 2018

Last year the prime minister’s speech was infamously ruined when she not only had a coughing fit – but the sign behind her slowly dropped to the floor during her main address.

Her speech first went off the rails when a self-styled comedian evaded security handed her a P45 form.

May will be hoping, despite the open warfare in her party over Brexit, that this year’s speech later this week goes better.

The PM will be addressing party activists in the main hall on Wednesday morning.

This year’s conference also did not get off to the best start after a major flaw in its mobile app temporarily allowed anyone to login in and view the personal details of others using it - including Cabinet ministers.


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