Line Of Duty: DCS Patricia Carmichael Is 'H' Say Fans, After They Spot Subtle Hint


With the hunt for ‘the fourth man’ reaching its climax on Line Of Duty, some fans think they’ve spotted a clue revealing their identity.

During Sunday night’s episode, viewers picked up on the fact DCS Patricia Carmichael tapped her pen four times during DCI Jo Davidson’s interrogation scene.

Now, while tapping a pen might not seem particularly noteworthy, any hardcore Line Of Duty fan knows that four taps has huge significance.

DCS Patricia Carmichael in Line Of Duty
DCS Patricia Carmichael in Line Of Duty

In series five, AC-12 hunted someone they thought went by the codename ‘H’ – information that came from corrupt officer DI Matthew ‘Dot’ Cottan (aka The Caddy) in his dying declaration.

However, upon closer inspection of bodycam footage of his death, the team noticed he was tapping his hands four times, which is Morse code for ‘H’.

They were able to deduce that this signified there were four top police officers in league with organised crime.

Three have been uncovered – Cottan, ACC Derek Hilton and legal counsel Gill Biggeloe – with a fourth still out there.

Cottan was using his hand to communicate with Morse code in his dying declaration – a detail that had been missed before
Cottan was using his hand to communicate with Morse code in his dying declaration – a detail that had been missed before

A number of names have been in the frame, including Chief Constable Philip Osborne, AC-12′s Superintendent Ted Hastings and AC-3 boss DCS Carmichael.

And following her pen tapping, some fans think it’s proof she is the artist formerly known as ‘H’...

Don't mean to alarm anyone but 👀 at Carmichael's pen? Tapped four times and H in Morse code is • • • • #LineofDuty

— BEGLEY (@JosephBegley) April 25, 2021

#LineOfDuty -
Jo started speaking, Carmichael tapped her pen 4 times which is Morse for H and then Jo went straight back to ‘no comment’

Jimmy Lakewell said “look beyond the race claim to find H” take ‘’RACE CLAIM’ from ‘CARMICHAEL’ and the only letter you’re left with.... H

— Matthew (@MatthewThomas85) April 25, 2021

As ever, I've come up with a few theories from last night's #LineofDuty. One of the biggest takeaways for me was when DCS Carmichael, when interviewing Jo, tapped her pen four times, potentially signalling Morse code. Did anyone else pick up on that? I noticed it immediately! 👀

— George Smith (@_GeorgeSmith99) April 26, 2021

#LineofDuty Does anyone else think that Carmichael's very uncharacteristic fidgeting/tapping of the pen in the interview is supposed to mean something? She tapped four times... like Dot tapped four times in his dying declaration. Am I overthinking this?

— BetterCallConnolly (@ConnollyUK) April 25, 2021

Whenever Carmichael taps her pen, it always seems to be four taps. Might be a bit of a reach, but it did remind me of Dot’s declaration #LineofDuty

— ✨chantelle✨ (@ChntelleParker) April 25, 2021

#carmichael #LineofDuty6 @Line_of_duty so annoying when someone is tapping their pen in the middle of an interrogation...tap-tap-tap-tap...just like morse code for H...oh hold on 😬😬

— ChristineAxx (@cealcock) April 25, 2021

as a newbie to the #LineOfDuty party I just want to note that Carmichael tapped her pen four times. Seems suspicious, just saying.

— Ellen C Scott (@EllenCScott) April 25, 2021

Carmichael is H. She tapped her pen four times - H in morse code - and took a sip of water. The guilty ones always drink water in the interview room. #LineofDuty #HIsCarmichael

— ConsistentlyInconsistent (@Buggery_Bollock) April 25, 2021

Actor Anna Maxwell Martin, who plays DCS Carmichael, tried to brush off the speculation when she made an appearance on This Morning on Monday.

When hosts Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield presented her with the evidence, she said: “I think I was just bored. Those scenes are very long. I think I was like, ‘What am I saying next?’”

Hmmm. The jury’s still out on that one.

Line Of Duty concludes on Sunday at 9pm on BBC One. This Morning airs weekdays at 10am on ITV.


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