Liz Truss Just Announced A New Book And Its Name Alone Has Drawn Internet Ridicule

"Irony has officially died," one person posted.
Ex-PM Liz Truss
Ex-PM Liz Truss
Leon Neal via Getty Images

Liz Truss has revealed her first book, called Ten Years To Save the West, is coming out soon – and the internet has a lot to say...

The former PM is mainly known for her 49-day stint in office before she was kicked out by the Conservative Party for crashing the economy with her disastrous mini-budget.

The Bank of England had to get involved to rescue the country’s pensions, while the pound plummeted in value against the US dollar.

So the name of Truss’s book was seen as quite an interesting choice by her critics on social media, considering how her time in power went.

The book – out on April 17 but available for pre-order now – was described as “a call to action for fellow conservatives who share my belief in our nation and our way of life”.

Confusingly, the front cover also carries the caption: “Lessons from the only conservative in the room.”

Cover announcement📢

Ten Years to Save the West by @trussliz

“A call to action for fellow conservatives who share my belief in our nation and our way of life.”

💥16 April 2024


— Biteback Publishing (@BitebackPub) February 8, 2024

The backbencher – who held ministerial roles continuously from 2012 until 2022 – has been attempting something of a renaissance this week, by attacking her own party and the left.

She appeared as the spokesperson of the new backbench Tory group, Popular Conservatives, on Tuesday.

Shortly before the platform launched, polling by Savanta seen by HuffPost UK found Truss was the least popular politician the firm asked voters about.

PopCon, as the movement calls itself, encourages major institutional reform, campaigns against so-called woke ideas and says it wants to “restore democratic accountability to Britain”.

In her speech at the launch, Truss barely mentioned her time in Downing Street as PM.

Instead, she said her party had failed to take on “left-wing extremists” and claimed the UK is full of “secret Conservatives” who agree with her but do not want to admit it.

Her address came after YouGov poll revealed Labour still has a significant lead in the polls, with 44% of respondents saying they would vote for the party, while the Tories are trailing behind on just 23%.

The publishers included two positive reviews of the book on its website.

Ex-PM Boris Johnson said, “I commend this invigorating tract!”, while Republican US senator Mike Lee predicted: “Truss will be a leader in this fight for years to come and her book pulls no punches in describing the stakes of today and the challenges of tomorrow.”

Here’s how the front cover was reviewed on X (formerly Twitter)....

Imagine if you'd shit the bed as much as she had, to then write a book called "How not to shit the bed". Such a weird lot.

— IT'S YOUR DECISION, DANIEL 🥇 (@ItsJohnRain) February 8, 2024

such a visionary - just imagine what she could accomplish if she took office with a majority

— Woj (@woj_000) February 8, 2024

"The UK edition". I'm amazed it's even being published here let alone anywhere else.

— (@gouldina) February 8, 2024

Bold, I kind of rate it, in a weird delusional way

— LINA (@agirlcalledlina) February 8, 2024

Lesson 1: Don’t elect Liz Truss

— Thomas (@thomasspolitics) February 8, 2024

1st April would have been more apt.

— Julian Betts (@BettsJulian) February 8, 2024

Lettuce hope it’s as successful as it deserves to be!

— Secret NHS Chief Executive (@SecretNHSCEO) February 8, 2024

The woman who almost single-handedly induced an economic crisis in less than a month is going to save the West?

— rd is in his tortured poet era (@quitteuslesstbh) February 8, 2024

Lord give me the absurd confidence of these people.

— Peter Blackburn (@petermblackburn) February 8, 2024

The highly-anticipated sequel to Forty Nine Days To Tank An Economy.

— HENRY MORRIS (@mrhenrymorris) February 8, 2024


— Lloyd Marsden (@lloyd_marsden) February 8, 2024

At the bookshop -
“Excuse me, where will I be able to find this book when it comes in”

“In the Comedy or Fiction section, we haven’t decided yet, failing that you’ll find it in the skip” #ToriesOut581 #GeneralElection2024

— Andrew🇪🇺 (@CourierBoyUK) February 8, 2024

Irony has officially died

— Comic Sans Material (@LeperMessiah15) February 8, 2024

This cover really makes it look like she is the threat to the west

— Nixxie (@Ylijaama) February 8, 2024

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