Carol McGiffin Faces Backlash After Defending Pro-Trump Rioters Who Stormed US Capitol Building

The Loose Women presenter's comments about the violent protests have not gone down well.

Loose Women presenter Carol McGiffin has come under fire following her comments about the Donald Trump supporters who violently stormed the US Capitol on Wednesday.

Carol discussed the events in Washington DC with her fellow panellists during Thursday’s edition of the ITV daytime show, with many viewers surprised to hear her speak in defence of the rioters.

While she noted that “the violence was just absolutely shocking and criminal damage is never acceptable for any reason” she went on to say: “I do understand why the people were there.”

Carol McGiffin on the Loose Women panel
Carol McGiffin on the Loose Women panel

“[It] started off as a fairly peaceful protest,” she told her co-hosts. “These people are angry, and this is what happens when people get angry and it’s what happens when people are not listened to.”

Referring to Trump’s repeated false claims about the 2020 election result, Carol continued: “Whether or not you think, or I think, or anybody else thinks they have a case for the alleged fraud in the election, and whether or not you think, or I think, or anyone else thinks it was ‘stolen’ from them – they’re not being heard. The evidence that they do have has not been heard by some of the courts.”

“I understand the frustration of people when they do protest,” she later added. “But the point that some people ruin it for everybody else... it just defeats the object and takes away the message.”

Carol’s remarks quickly sparked a wave of responses on social media, with some claiming it was irresponsible of ITV to allow such comments to be aired:

Not Carol McGiffin on #LooseWomen saying that people alleging fraud “weren’t listened to” 😬

Trump lost dozens of cases where he presented his case, Carol. Some were presided on by judges he appointed, spouting “they weren’t listened to” is nonsensical and dangerous.

— Alex Milsom (@alexmilsom) January 7, 2021

WTF is Carol McGiffin talking about? Trump INCITED what happened yesterday. He worked his supporters up. He’s a dangerous man #LooseWomen #Trump

— Traylor Holmes (@TraylorHolmes) January 7, 2021

For context, Carol McGiffin said she understood what happened yesterday in America because people felt that they weren’t being listened to. What?! The only reason it happened AT ALL is because #Trump incited it. He doesn’t care about them, he only cares about his ego #LooseWomen

— Traylor Holmes (@TraylorHolmes) January 7, 2021

Carol McGiffin defended Trump's racism so no surprise to see her defend his coup attempt on #LooseWomen. As Maya Angelou said, when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.

— Lorna Cooper🏴🇯🇲🇬🇾 (@Coops_tv) January 7, 2021

That’s me turning #loosewomen off for good. Anyone defending Trump supporters trying to overturn democracy with violence and force is dangerous and shouldn’t have a voice.

— Di (@neverheardofher) January 7, 2021

Carol Mcgiffin “I can understand why the protestors were there, they feel angry as they’re not being heard” really? 🙄

— Di (@neverheardofher) January 7, 2021

NOT carol defending trump supporters on #LooseWomen and using the most uneducated points to do so ??? Don’t know what more I expected tho

— soph🐇 (@sophnatasha_) January 7, 2021

I’m learning why I don’t watch #LooseWomen when you’ve got one of them set there justifying what went on in America yesterday saying their “voices aren’t being heard”

Oh do one love.

These are people protesting about a non-issue, using extreme violence. Four people died!

— Carla (@esiuolalrac) January 7, 2021

Carol. The "evidence" has been put through the courts. There is no fraud. #LooseWomen

— QueenHammer48 ⚒ 💙 GSBOUT (@queenhammer48) January 7, 2021

Carol McGiffin defending the Trump supporters on @loosewomen ?? Loose Women handled the chat about Trump appallingly #LooseWomen

— CharlotteKenrick (@CharlieKenrick) January 7, 2021

#carolmcgiffin #loosewomen disgraceful comments on the reason for the violence

— The Naked Citizens (@nakedcitizens1) January 7, 2021

Carol McGiffin defending idiots involved in the attempted coup in the US last night, saying it's because they're not listened to. No! It's because they don't listen! Many law suites have been rejected by the legal authorities. They only listen to the loon Trump #LooseWomen

— Wendy (@wenders123) January 7, 2021

Carol McGiffin giving it the "poor, unlistened to fascists" on #LooseWomen is it.

— Via Getty (@Stradiwhovius) January 7, 2021

@ITV how poor your program loose women was Carol McGiffin actually defending the trouble and justifying the violence in Washington DC last night..... how do I lodge a complaint about this show?

— Gav Sims 🇪🇺🇬🇧 (@GavMichaelSims) January 7, 2021

India Willoughby and Carol McGiffin have embarrassed themselves today with their comments about the violence by Trump supporters. Not all topics need an opposing view. Especially one that is ill-informed

— Ed Gleave (@EdHotTV) January 7, 2021

Carol McGiffin spouting ridiculous nonsense on @loosewomen about Trump's supporters not being listened to. The programme should be taken off the air if they allow such scandalous drivel to be broadcast. At very least she needs to be off our screens now.

— Steve Cullen (@SteveCullen45) January 7, 2021

Why the hell is that irresponsible Carol McGiffin still being given airtime by #loosewomen?? She's been pumping out dangerous misinformation for months, undermining public health. @loosewomen

— SunderlandLollipops (@SunderlandLolly) January 7, 2021

HuffPost UK has contacted representatives for Carol McGiffin and Loose Women for comment.

Last year, Carol admitted that if she were a US citizen, she’d have voted for Trump in the 2020 election, saying: “It actually really annoys me. I must say, if I was in America right now I’d rather have him as the president than someone who can barely remember his own name.

“I probably would vote for Donald Trump. There, I’ve said it.”

A mob of angry Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol building on Wednesday, as Congress met to certify the results of the recent general election.

President-elect Joe Biden condemned the protestors’ insurrection, as rioters clashed with police and the heart of US democracy went into lockdown.

Four people have now been confirmed dead, including one woman who was shot by the US Capitol Police, and three others who died in “medical emergencies”.


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