Teacher Who Cancelled Wedding Twice After String Of Health Disasters Reveals Plans To Marry This Year

She was hit by a lorry and diagnosed with breast cancer.

Mary Strutt wants nothing more than to marry the love of her life, Daniele Gelfi.

However due to a string of disastrous health events, she has had to postpone her wedding twice.

The 25-year-old teacher, who is originally from Strathmiglo in Fife, was hit by a lorry in 2011, which meant her wedding had to be cancelled.

When she finally managed to rearrange her wedding for the second time, she discovered a lump on her breast and was diagnosed with cancer.

Now, with a series of awful events behind her, Strutt has revealed she plans to get married this year - come hell or high water.

Mary Strutt with fiancé Daniele Ghelfi.
Mary Strutt with fiancé Daniele Ghelfi.

Strutt was first due to marry the love of her life, Daniele Gelfi, in 2011.

But disaster struck when a lorry knocked her off her bike while she was cycling to work.

The lorry's wheel ran over Strutt, who was left with a broken pelvis, multiple fractures, broken vertebrae and a punctured intestine.

Her fiancé gave up work to look after her and the family managed to raise £7,000 to pay for her healthcare.

Slowly but surely, she learned to walk again.

Mary Strutt is pictured recovering in Vimercate Hospital, Italy after being hit by a lorry.
Mary Strutt is pictured recovering in Vimercate Hospital, Italy after being hit by a lorry.

Devastated, Strutt was forced to delay the wedding until she was better. But little did she know that she was in for another health shock.

After organising her wedding for the second time, Strutt discovered a small lump on her breast.

Shortly after, she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Thankfully, because she spotted the cancer early, Strutt was able to have it removed and was later given the all-clear.

She now plans to marry her fiancé next June in north Milan.

"Our wedding will be just us, our families and close friends," Strutt said, according to the Mail Online.

"I feel that my life has been saved twice. After having survived an accident like that, I somehow managed to find a lump the size of a lentil."

"Life has a whole new value when these things happen. We just want to enjoy life to the full while we have it."

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