Matt Damon Faces Second Social Media Backlash In A Week Over Comments About Sexual Harassment

'Oh. My. God. Stop talking.'

Matt Damon has come under fire for his comments about the ongoing discussions on sexual abuse allegations in Hollywood for the second time in a week.

The Oscar-winner is now facing controversy after appearing to suggest that the men in Hollywood who are not facing sexual abuse allegations are not getting getting enough acknowledgement.

Matt Damon
Matt Damon
MARK RALSTON via Getty Images

When asked by the publication whether he’d consider working with someone who’d been named in the continuing allegations, Matt claimed this was something he’d decide on a “case-by-case basis” depending on “what’s the story here”, before reiterating that he has not been involved in any sexual misconduct.

Matt’s latest comments have gone down like a lead balloon on Twitter:

Footage of all women trying to explain to Matt Damon, and similar men, the whole point of #metoo

— Louise Atkinson (@MsLouAtkinson) December 19, 2017

Please Matt Damon stop talking and start listening. As a father of daughters, as you like to point out, you owe it to them to educate yourself rather than applauding yourself for not being an abuser/predator. Sheesh

— Lauren Mirzai (@LaurenAtWave) December 19, 2017

It's super sad how Matt Damon has caught the Magical Talking Disease and now he can't stop saying stupid things to every single journalist on the planet. Poor Matt!

— Hadley Freeman (@HadleyFreeman) December 19, 2017

Oh. My. God. Stop talking.

— #EvanRachelWould (@evanrachelwood) December 18, 2017

Matt Damon- SERIOUSLY? You are a smart man. A privileged, white man. This is NOT the time to ask for a pat on the back. How about we NOT celebrate men who are simply decent human beings. Stay on track, Matt. It’s not about you.

— Debra Messing (@DebraMessing) December 18, 2017

Men who feel they are super important in the world will always think we need to know their opinion on any subject. But this subject, and now, is not the time. It really isn't. #MattDamon

— Linda Glover (@LindaJGlover) December 19, 2017

Dear Matt Damon: we aren't talking about men who don't assault women because that's a REALLY low fucking bar. It's basic human decency not to assault people. We don't talk about the millions who don't commit murder and hail them (us) as good people, do we? Get back in your box.

— Louise Hudson ❄️ (@louvictoriia) December 19, 2017

You know that little voice in the back of your mind that tells you when you should stop talking?

Matt Damon doesn’t have one.

— Skylar Hansford (@skylarsandman) December 19, 2017

Actually,Matt Damon,all we do is talk about the men that don't harrass or abuse or rape,or those that appear not to. That's part of why this stuff goes unsaid. "I don't do it personally,neither do my pals,so it's not a problem!" #notallmen

— Nicola Party (@NicolaParty) December 19, 2017

So...who's gonna explain to Matt Damon that men who aren't sexual predators don't need to be talked about because not assaulting a woman is THE FUCKING RIGHT THING TO DO?!?! It's true, not all men are predators. But that doesn't earn you gratitude.

— 🎄 Kat B. 🎄 (@katbwritings) December 19, 2017

Me: Oh my god, someone broke all of my dishes!
Matt Damon, crashing thru door: You should talk about people who don't break dishes.

— Jessica Ellis (@baddestmamajama) December 18, 2017

Matt Damon needs to stop talking. Not one woman has the time, patience or inclination to listen to this #NotAllMen drivel ✋

— faith ♥ (@faithbxx) December 19, 2017

A remake of ‘White Men Can’t Jump’ except it’s ‘White Men Can’t Shut Up’ and it just stars Matt Damon.

— Brona C Titley (@bronactitley) December 19, 2017

What Matt Damon said about all men not being sexual predators isn't wrong per se, but that's nothing to celebrate, and perhaps he should stop talking for a while and leave the spotlight to the women he rightly admires to reclaim their freedom from the men who are sexual predators

— Dave Robinson (@davidrobbo66) December 19, 2017

I am particularly looking forward to the part of Matt Damon's Not All Men: the Movie where he teaches black women about diversity. Oh wait, he's already done that

— Ros Urwin (@RosamundUrwin) December 19, 2017


Matt Damon wearing beekeeper suit: "We aren't talking enough about all the bees that aren't stinging you."

— Matt Fernandez (@FattMernandez) December 19, 2017

It's time we took a hard look back at the decision to put so much time and money into rescuing Matt Damon from Mars.

— James Hamblin (@jameshamblin) December 19, 2017

Matt Damon giving interviews about sexual assault in Hollywood

— Alex Burns (@alexburnsNYT) December 18, 2017

Matt actor previously backtracked on claims he had known nothing about the accusations against Harvey Weinstein prior to actresses coming forward with their stories earlier this year.

He also spoke out to address rumours he’d been responsible for “shutting down” a story that would have blown the lid off the movie mogul’s misconduct.

Weinstein has faced a string of sexual assault and sexual harassment accusations, but has “unequivocally denied” any allegations of “non-consensual sex”.


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