Matt Hancock's Book About The Pandemic Is Getting Roasted And People Have Only Seen The Cover

A very unlikely stocking filler.
Matt Hancock waits outside the Tory party headquarters for the arrival of Rishi Sunak, the new leader of the Conservative party.
Matt Hancock waits outside the Tory party headquarters for the arrival of Rishi Sunak, the new leader of the Conservative party.
Victoria Jones via PA Wire/PA Images

Former health secretary Matt Hancock’s book about the coronavirus pandemic will be out in time for Christmas, social media users were less than thrilled to learn.

The West Suffolk MP, whose Pandemic Diaries is slated for release on December 6, resigned as health secretary after footage leaked of him breaching his own covid rules by kissing his aide Gina Coladangelo. Almost 207,000 people in the UK have died with Covid-19 on their death certificate.

Suffolk News reported a statement from his office saying: “Mr Hancock will give his unique perspective on how the NHS rose to the challenge, recognising the incredible hard work and sacrifice of so many, and offers an honest assessment of the lessons we need to learn for next time – because there will be a next time.”

Here’s the cover of Matt Hancock’s book that will be published in December

— John Stevens (@johnestevens) October 31, 2022

Twitter had some thoughts, principally that Hancock has finally gone full Alan Partridge.

“Needless to say, I had the last laugh.”

— Amy Azarinejad (@bearcavingamy) October 31, 2022

And the cover design left a lot to be desired.

i am aware that in the grand scheme of things this is maybe not the most important issue but jesus the photoshop work on matt hancock’s book cover is awful, awful

— Tom Phillips (@flashboy) October 31, 2022

The designer clearly hates him

— Nooruddean (@BeardedGenius) October 31, 2022

Some questions ...

Why does Matt Hancock need Isabel Oakeshott if he’s just publishing his diaries?

— Dr Phil Hammond 💙 (@drphilhammond) October 31, 2022

... and some imagined entries ...

Monday, 4th May 2020.

"Dear Diary, I've fucked it up again and handed out a lucrative contract to a mate of a mate. Hope nobody finds out. Matt."

— Sachin Nakrani (@SachinNakrani) October 31, 2022

The general response was one of second-hand embarrassment.

everything Matt says and does can be responded to with this meme, no exceptions

— Marie Le Conte (@youngvulgarian) October 31, 2022

His reaction when people actually buy the book

— Clappers (@Clappertron) October 31, 2022

And if it does turn out to be your stocking filler, you may need to re-assess some relationships.

Imagine if someone bought you Matt Hancock's book for Christmas. Nearly 400 pages of how he killed a load of care home residents then rogered his secretary.

— bob (@oldbob1944) October 31, 2022

'Today, we got the first look at the least anticipated diaries in history.'

Dan Wootton reacts to Matt Hancock releasing his own book just in time for Christmas.

'I'd rather have a lump of coal than that piece of propaganda in my stocking.'

— GB News (@GBNEWS) October 31, 2022

How to tell someone you think they’re a **** this Christmas without telling them you think they’re a ****

— Paul Kendrick (@PKendrickWIG) October 31, 2022

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