From Angelina Jolie And Brad Pitt To Madonna And Guy Ritchie: Messiest Celeb Divorces

Not everyone has a quiet 'conscious uncoupling'...
Carlos Alvarez via Getty Images

We do love a celeb romance - the veiled Twitter flirting, the over-the-top weddings, the ridiculous baby name choices - so we always take it to heart when a famous couple go their separate ways… particularly when the split is less than amicable.

No, divorce is rarely a pretty sight, and when you throw in two (or sometimes more…) celebrity egos, it can be a real car-wreck.

Sadly, not everyone deals with the end of a relationship in as dignified and drama-free a fashion as Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow did when they ‘uncoupled’, with some of the messiest divorces in celeb history playing out right in front of our eyes.

Whether it be cheating allegations on social media or rumours about who’s getting what in the settlement, nothing gets people talking quite like a high-profile celebrity split.

And with rumours already flying in all directions about the nature of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s split (for the record, she’s said she called time on the marriage “for the health of the family”), here are a handful of the messiest celeb divorces ever, from Katie Price and Peter Andre to Madonna and Guy Ritchie...

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