For folks who don’t seem to like their bed all that much, apparently, morning people hold the key to better sex.
That’s according to health and wellbeing firm Naturecan, who’ve monitored the day-to-day body clocks of over 1,000 people.
Among other discoveries, they found that the “best” time for most of the participants to have sex was around 7:30am (and yes, I was surprised too).
Here’s why an early morning romp might be the best addition you make to your AM routine:
Your body is primed for action
If, like me, you wake up groggy and disoriented, it can be hard to believe that just after rising is the best time to get it on.
But actually, Naturecan says that “Energy levels are at their highest after a good night’s rest”.
Not only will you both be rearing to go, but men are likely to last longer, too.
“Male testosterone levels peak in the morning, meaning they last longer in bed”, says Naturecan – the New York Times puts peak testosterone levels at 8am.
It really is the best way to start your day
You might already know that sex is incredibly good for us.
A good session can help to improve your immune system, boost your self-esteem, lower stress, and much more.
So it’s no wonder, really, that an early morning frisk proved to offer day-long benefits.
“The rush of endorphins sparked by sex lowers blood pressure and stress levels and makes us feel more upbeat for the rest of the day”, says Naturecan.
And while a workout will give you the same sleep-improving, mood-boosting chemical, why not exercise a little more... creatively?
After all, “sexual activity ranks as mild to moderate in terms of exercise intensity”, according to Harvard.
So, morning people, congrats – while you might never turn me into a 5am jogger, I reckon you’ve managed to convince me on this one.