New Mum Has Changed 18-Month-Old Daughter's Name Three Times Because She Just Can't Decide

The new dad is at a loss with what to do.

A new mum has changed her baby’s name three times in 18 months because she can’t reach a decision.

The woman’s husband took to Reddit to explain the situation, because he’s completely at a loss as to what to do.

“My wife keeps wanting to change our baby’s name, who is 18 months old,” Reddit user rad_dad2016 wrote on 6 December.

“She knows changing the legal name is not possible so she wants a new name that we would just call her by.”

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Using letters to refer to the names, to conceal his daughter’s identity, the dad continued: “We decided on A. A is born and everything is roses.

“At the three month mark, my wife says she feels weird about the name because: ‘It’s too common, it doesn’t feel right, it seems like the wrong name’.

“She says B sounds more ‘right’ to her. Now at the 18 month mark, she thinks C sounds better.”

Commenters said it would be far too difficult to change the child’s name legally, but the new dad said that wasn’t the issue.

“I think she cares less about the legal name part, more about what she wants to actually call her,” he replied.

“I’m pretty sure it’s way too late to actually change her name legally. Nevertheless, we can’t keep calling her different nicknames.”

Others commented on the fact that the child is now old enough to notice if she is regularly being called different names.

“She’s going to confuse the hell out of her own daughter if she starts calling her by a new name,” one Reddit user wrote.

“At 18 months your child already understands her name and responds to it. I don’t think the confusion and turmoil she’s going to put her baby through is remotely worth whatever bizarre concerns she has about the name.”

Another commented: “Just stick with A, kid will get frustrated otherwise. Also, it will just be confusing for not only your child, but for family and friends as well.”

Other people simply wanted to know what the names were, but the dad didn’t give anything away.

“Can you please tell us what the name is?” one commenter wrote. “I’m so curious.”

Us too.

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