16 People Who Have Really Strong Feelings About Pulp In Orange Juice

To pulp or not to pulp?

It is the debate that divides households, ruins friendships and destroys breakfast time across the nation, should your glass of orange juice have pulp in it?

While most people would agree that making a juice from a fruit full of fibre does necessitate the existence of bits, others gag at the thought of anything floating around in their OJ.

Now these 16 tweets have perfectly articulated the ongoing orange ordeal.

If you don't like pulp in your orange juice you're weak and natural selection is coming for you.

— postlogue (@postlogue) March 22, 2017

Unpopular opinion: I like orange juice w pulp bc it makes me feel like I'm drinking straight out of a fresh orange

— Maggie (@magsbennekamper) March 19, 2017

people actually drink pulp free orange juice??

— evan🦈 (@evancoxx) March 28, 2017

I'll go ahead and say it. I like pulp in my orange juice.

— duckie (@al__peaches) March 25, 2017

Hey people who like pulp in your orange juice, just go eat an orange and stop ruining orange juice for the rest of us.

— John Kilmartin (@Nitramlik) March 16, 2017

All I wanna know is who in the hell is buying orange juice with pulp, like if you want the chunks of orange just buy a damn orange

— Roger Raglin (@throwinTDs15) March 15, 2017

There is absolutely no reason to ever want pulp in your orange juice. It just doesn't make sense to me.

— Nikko Sablone (@nikkosablone) March 15, 2017

If you drink your orange juice with pulp in it you nasty 🙅🏾♂️

— ¥ung Satchmo (@airmaxgang) March 23, 2017

If you ever doubt the existence of evil in this world simply consider that orange juice with pulp is a thing

— Ryan Hinojosa (@RyanOziel) March 16, 2017

if you like pulp in your orange juice we can't be friends

— Ireland (@irelandscout) March 27, 2017

My mom bought orange juice with pulp and I hate pulp. I definitely used a cheese grater to filter my orange juice🙂👍🏽 #tipswmack

— mackenzie (@stackedbyjenn) March 18, 2017

I just got orange juice with bits in and I went through the stages of grief because I didn't realise it had pulp

— Rena. (@PyrenaMorze) March 14, 2017

orange juice with pulp has to be the worst thing ever created

— kaitlyn (@thisiskvitlyn) March 17, 2017

Fears I did not expect to face during study abroad: orange juice with pulp (It's all they have here)

— Kirstan Brodie (@coolstorybrodes) March 16, 2017

Can someone please tell me how people can drink orange juice with pulp? Like how can you handle the feeling of chunks in your drink?????

— Selena Landry (@selenadawn123) March 14, 2017


— Lynn🖤 (@IiIacjoon) March 14, 2017