Parents Anticipate The Joys Of Summer Holidays In 33 Spot-On Tweets

"My 6yo searching frantically for his backpack while wearing his back pack is a whole 'Is it summer break yet?' mood."

The countdown to the end of the school year has begun: Teachers and students can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Parents, meanwhile, are gathering their bearings for the long road ahead. They are stockpiling snacks, fireworks and alcoholic beverages — not necessarily in that order.

Here, the funny parents of X (formerly Twitter) describe how they are gearing up for the looming summer vacation.

Pretty sure I'm looking forward to a summer vacation away from math homework even more than my kids

— The Dad (@thedad) May 28, 2018

Like a prisoner on death row eating their last meal, but it's me devouring snacks alone during the last day of school before summer break.

— Sara Says Stop (@PetrickSara) June 8, 2016

Warning: Summer break is now dangerously close. Start conserving your patience and sanity now.

— Molly England (@bluebonetbabies) April 17, 2017

Friend: What are you doing for summer break?

Me: Surviving.

— MyQuestionableLife (@2questionable) June 27, 2018

7-year-old: Is it summer break yet?

Me: No.

7: But you'll tell us when it is, right? So we don't do school work the whole time.

I learned a new threat.

— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) April 29, 2020

I love when people ask me if i’m excited for summer vacation as if I don’t still have to wake my kids, give them breakfast, pack their lunches, drive them to camp, pick them up, feed them dinner.

— I Hide From My Kids (@IHideFromMyKids) May 27, 2022

The music teacher gave the 3rd graders recorders for 4th grade a week before school ended. As I approached the school for pickup that day, the cacophony of 60 children shrilly blowing those evil woodwinds filling the air, the only song I could hear in my mind was “Cruel Summer.”

— SpacedMom (@copymama) June 16, 2022

My 6yo searching frantically for his backpack while wearing his back pack is a whole "is it summer break yet?" mood.

— My Life Is The Pitts Family (@LifePitts) May 30, 2023

If by hot mom summer you mean hormonal, overwhelmed and tired then yes, I’m in for one hell of a hot mom summer.

— Marissa 💚💛 (@michimama75) June 15, 2023

School is almost out for summer and I’m in that sweet spot where I am still optimistic that summer bowling is going to be a fun bonding experience for all of us.

— The Baby Lady (@thebabylady7) May 16, 2019

Can’t wait to throw my kids in camp I mean have them enjoy summer activities.

— @itssherifield (@itssherifield) June 19, 2023

Last day of school year: oh I’m so excited and proud of you guys!!!

First day of summer break: kill. me. now.

— Sweet Momifluous (@sweetmomissa) May 6, 2021

The start of summer means a lot of things, but in our house it’s 💯 the start of “you went in the pool so that counts as a bath” season.

— MomTransparenting (@momtransparent1) May 29, 2022

Me: I'm okay with the kids having a later summer bedtime.

Husband: Yeah, maybe they'll sleep later!



Us: *hysterical laughter*

— The Salty Mamas (@saltymamas) May 29, 2020

Me: Where do you guys want to go this summer?
9yo: Chicago
6yo: Disneyland
3yo: Taco Land

— Jessie (@mommajessiec) June 2, 2018

With summer break looming, Im just so excited about having to figure out a whole other meal per day that the kids won’t eat.

— Maryfairyboberry🧚🏻♀️ (@maryfairybobrry) May 4, 2019

Me: We are well stocked with food for the next four weeks of your summer break

What my kids heard: Let’s eat every hour like it’s a cruise buffet

— Vinod Chhaproo (@Chhapiness) June 28, 2021

My kid didn’t know kindergarten ends next month. Summer vacation is a new concept to her. I asked what she wants to do when school’s out.

“Water park in the morning. Culver’s for lunch. Then a short nap for energy. Then we’ll climb trees and eat pizza and ride bikes.”

— Brendan Kennealy, Father of Three (@BicycleIdiot) May 9, 2024

Happy first day of summer vacation, please enjoy discovering that we don’t pay teachers nearly enough.

— Courtney Ellis 🎈 (@courtneyellis) June 2, 2023

I’m going to change the Wi-Fi password as soon as I hear someone complain they’re bored this summer

— Ugly Taco Biscuits (@bgschnikelfritz) May 30, 2023

Summer “break” should mean the kids stay at school for 3 entire months while parents get a break, not the other way around

— The Dad (@thedad) June 19, 2019

I’ve now concluded it’s called, “summer break” instead of “summer vacation, child induced, nervous breakdown.”

— Maryfairyboberry🧚🏻♀️ (@maryfairybobrry) June 2, 2019

Sure summer is chaotic with kids home all day and constant disasters popping up around the house, but there’s also suffocating humidity, searing heat and unquenchable thirst.

— MomTransparenting (@momtransparent1) June 8, 2019

Other moms: I hate summer break

Me: I love summer break - I have no laundry to do since my kids never change their clothes

— Sweet Momifluous (@sweetmomissa) July 11, 2022

My wife: How does a summer road trip with the kids sound?

Me: Sounds like we had a good run.

— A Bearer Of Dad News (@HomeWithPeanut) June 3, 2022

Summer break, because my kids weren't lazy and entitled enough already.

— The Baby Lady (@thebabylady7) July 1, 2017

My kid was pissed after calculating
that he goes to school for 10 months
a year and on summer break for
only two.
I was equally disappointed,
but also impressed with his math skills.

— Karen (@AntsyButterfly) March 11, 2021

Me: Ahhh, the sounds of summer.

My kids: *opening and closing the doors 1,000 times*

— Jessie (@mommajessiec) May 26, 2020

That’s cool you’ve planned your kid’s entire summer break with fun enriching activities.

I bought some sidewalk chalk for mine and some bubbles. We might get crazy and use the hose.

— MyQuestionableLife (@2questionable) April 26, 2018

Me: 5 starts kindergarten this year and this summer is all about fun and play and adventures!

Karate, sending home curriculum that includes learning how to count to 20 in Korean: bitch you thought

— Marissa 💚💛 (@michimama75) August 2, 2021

Me: What did you do at school today?

12-year-old: Daydreamed about summer break.

Me: What did your teachers want you to do?

12: They were daydreaming about summer, too.

— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) May 18, 2022

I know a mom didn’t invent the phrase “the lazy days of summer.”

— SpacedMom (@copymama) July 12, 2019

Only 85 days until this upcoming summer break is over and kids finally go back to school.

— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) May 15, 2015