Peter Andre Criticises The Way Rebekah Vardy's Past Jibe About Him Is Brought Up 'Again And Again'

Rebekah gave an interview in 2004 criticising the singer's anatomy after a purported sexual encounter.
Peter Andre pictured in the Loose Women studio in 2019
Peter Andre pictured in the Loose Women studio in 2019
Ken McKay/ITV/Shutterstock

Peter Andre has again voiced his objection to the way in which Rebekah Vardy’s past jibes about his anatomy have been brought up repeatedly in public.

Earlier this month, the Mysterious Girl singer was mentioned during Rebekah’s infamous ‘WAGatha Christie’ libel battle against Coleen Rooney, after she gave an interview in 2004 about a purported sexual encounter with him.

The article carried the headline “Peter’s hung like a small chipolata, shaved, slobbery, lasts five minutes,” with Rebekah admitting she was “forced into a situation by my ex-husband” to do the interview.

During an appearance on Friday’s Loose Women, Peter spoke out about how he felt about the story resurfacing.

“On reflection on that, I think it is not the fact that something was said, because I think we all say stupid things,” he told the panel.

“It is more about the fact that something is brought up again and again and again and again. At some point you kind of go…

“And that is the only thing, it becomes more than just that. We all say stupid things. Everyone does. I am sure I have said many stupid things in my life.”

Rebekah Vardy pictured outside court last week
Rebekah Vardy pictured outside court last week
Future Publishing via Getty Images

However, the Mysterious Girl singer did joke: “Are you asking me to address the elephant in the room? Did I say elephant?”

Last week, Peter spoke out about being mentioned in court in a video posted on his social media channels.

“Sorry to Emily [his wife] and the children that have had to see and hear some not very nice things,” he wrote in the caption, before going on to say in the video: “Seeing as I haven’t had much of a say in this, and just let everyone have a laugh and whatever, whatever, I’m just going to put it out.

“Fifteen years this has been going on, and I kept quiet and I didn’t say anything, and I let everyone have their laugh and I let everyone say what they wanted to say.”

“Okay yes, now, [Rebekah] has gone to court and admitted that the story was made up, and she did that because her ex-husband forced her to do it. Fair enough.

“But put that all aside and just think how it feels that if a man, or if I had said this, about her anatomy, or a man said something about a woman’s anatomy, and made up something, whatever, I don’t know – you can use your imagination – of saying something very unflattering.

“There would be outrage, there would be absolute outrage. But because it’s been said about me, it’s been the butt of all jokes, I’ve taken it for fifteen years.”

My thoughts on Rebekah V : Here I was this morning sat in my robe feeling like I had to say something. Feel free to come to your own conclusion. Sorry to Emily and the children that have had to see and hear some not very nice things. Love from the Aussie Brit Greek ♥️♥️♥️

— Peter Andre (@MrPeterAndre) May 12, 2022

He continued: “Some of you are gonna go, ‘oh get over it, don’t say anything, whatever’. You’ve got to understand, what’s even worse is it’s brought up in a High Court, and the lawyer is bringing it up... and it’s brought up again. And the only one that sits there and takes hit after hit about it is me.

“And I’ll be laughing about it for a while, but think about how it would feel if it was the other way around, that’s all I’m saying.

“Okay yes, I think we all know now it’s just a made-up story fine, fine, fine. But it’s a little bit more serious than that. And I think it’s not fair that something like this can happen again and again and again.

“We talk about all sorts of things, about mental health, about being kind and about all that sort of stuff, and nothing seems to change.”

Loose Women airs every weekday at 12.30pm on ITV.


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