Piers Morgan And Stormzy Clash Over Boris Johnson Criticism To School Kids

The grime star called the prime minister "the big, bad wolf" during a visit to his old primary school.

Piers Morgan has gone head-to-head with Stormzy on Twitter after taking issue with his criticisms of Boris Johnson to school kids.

The grime star made headlines after branding the prime minister “a very very bad man” when talking to a group of children during a visit to his old primary school.

Stormzy was asked why he was not a fan of Johnson, and called him the “big, bad wolf”.

After hearing about Stormzy’s comments, Piers was quick to comment, writing on Twitter: “He shouldn’t have done this, and shouldn’t have been allowed to do this.”

Piers Morgan and Stormzy
Piers Morgan and Stormzy

Stormzy responded: “The kid asked me a question and I replied truthfully nothing wrong with that Piers lol.”

The presenter replied that the music star should use his power “more carefully”, tweeting: “Come off it @stormzy – saying stuff like that to a bunch of very young schoolkids isn’t cool, and you know it.

“You’re a hugely influential role model now to so many youngsters, wield that power more carefully.”

Stormzy replied: “No it isn’t cool, it’s the truth lol.

“Again, they asked me a question and I answered it truthfully and with jest.

“I gave em my opinion, they’ll grow up and be able to make their own, this ain’t a shocking incident pal sorry lol.”

He shouldn’t have done this, and shouldn’t have been allowed to do this. https://t.co/0F29tLrFZ6

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) December 18, 2019

No it isn’t cool, it’s the truth lol. Again, they asked me a question and I answered it truthfully and with jest. I gave em my opinion, they’ll grow up and be able to make their own, this ain’t a shocking incident pal sorry lol https://t.co/EgnQ0KMIZC

— HEAVY IS THE HEAD (@stormzy) December 18, 2019

As Piers was accused of defending Johnson by one Twitter user, he responded: “I’m not defending Boris, I’m defending young kids who shouldn’t be exposed to that kind of hyper-partisan political rhetoric in their classrooms, and especially not by a guy they all look up to like @stormzy.”

He then finished by insisting he was a “big fan” of the music star, calling him “a hugely important new cultural voice”, but added: “I just think it would be better to keep inflammatory political statements out of the classroom.”

I’m not defending Boris, I’m defending young kids who shouldn’t be exposed to that kind of hyper-partisan political rhetoric in their classrooms, and especially not by a guy they all look up to like @stormzy. https://t.co/gl1qFfLU0r

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) December 18, 2019

Anyway, I’m a big fan @stormzy & you’re a hugely important new cultural voice. I just think it would be better to keep inflammatory political statements out of the classroom.

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) December 18, 2019

In the run up to the general election, Stormzy urged his fans to vote for Labour and described Johnson as a “fucking prick”, adding that Jeremy Corbyn was “a man of hope, a man of justice, a man of equality”.

Stormzy has been vocal about politics on a number of occasions. In November, he called for “piece of shit” Jacob Rees-Mogg to resign after his infamous LBC interview.

Rees-Mogg suggested those who died in the 2017 disaster lacked “common sense” for following the London Fire Brigade’s “stay put” policy.

Later that month Michael Gove also faced backlash after tweeting the Vossi Bop star’s lyrics when he said he would registering to vote for Corbyn.


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