Rachel Maddow Mocks Trump’s ‘Weird’ Meeting With Ireland’s Leader In An Airport Lounge

Trump tried to hold the meeting at one of his golf resorts, but Irish officials balked at promoting one of his properties.

President Donald Trump is set to meet Irish Taoiseach (prime minister) Leo Varadkar on Wednesday, but as MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow pointed out, the scene of the get-together isn’t quite as grand as you might expect.

The two are expected to link up at the VIP lounge of Shannon Airport after Irish officials rejected Trump’s plan to meet at his golf resort, as reported by Anne Rumsey Gearan of the Washington Post:

Seriously, the president’s bilateral meeting with Irish PM Varadkar is going to take place at the VIP lounge at Shannon. Trump wanted it st his nearby golf club. The Irish said no thanks. So, across from the Duty Free and next to the Irish Coffee bar at the airport. Perfect.

— Anne Rumsey Gearan (@agearan) May 29, 2019

While chuckling, Maddow said Irish officials essentially told Trump: “No, we will not use our government to create a commercial for your golf course. Even though you, sir, are clearly comfortable using the American government to hold a commercial for your golf course. We’re not going to do that.”

The Irish government proposed meeting at a castle, but Trump declined.

“Instead, they will meet at the airport,” Maddow said, still suppressing snickers. “Which is a little weird, but this whole overseas trip has been pretty sort of clunky for the president.”

She offered some examples in the clip above.


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