A woman who launched a racist tirade at a fellow passenger on a night bus ending up humiliating herself after landing flat on her back.
While some passengers can initially be heard laughing at the colourful exchange the situation quickly sours after the woman tries to kick the man, who is defending himself as ‘being English’.
Video of the incident, uploaded to YouTube on Sunday, shows the incident unfold on the 29 bus drives between East Dulwich and Trafalgar Square. It is not known when the altercation occurred.

The mobile phone footage begins with a woman in white straddling two seating platforms across the bus aisle while abusing a man who appears to be of Caribbean descent.
“Cos you’re a c**t’, the woman can be heard saying, before the man responds “seriously?”.
“You know what,” the woman continues, “I really don’t know if you’re Afro-bean or Caribbean...”
The man seems amused at first, but quickly loses his patience.
“Lady, I’m just explaining to you who the fuck I am. I am fucking English, alright.”

The woman then tries to launch herself at the man using two poles to perform a swing kick, but lands flat on her back in the aisle.
“You’re going to swing at me?” the man says, before adding: “Sit the fuck down!”
The woman then tries to slap the man’s face which leads to a violent struggle that ends after the man shoves the woman out of the bus door.
Horrified passengers can be heard telling the bus driver to stop.
“Oh my God, oh my God!” the girl filming can be heard saying as the video ends.
The Metropolitan Police said they had not received any complaints about the incident.