Celebrate your own beauty, on your own terms. This is the powerful message behind #MyBeautyMySay, a new campaign from Dove inviting women to embrace their own unique brand of beauty and challenge those who judge them on their appearance.
Eight out of 10 women in the UK would rather look their personal best than follow what others think is beautiful, according to the brand’s new Global Beauty And Confidence Report. And yet women are constantly subjected to scrutiny over their appearance and put under pressure to fit a certain mould.
This pressure on women to look a certain way and subscribe to an unrealistic ‘gold standard’ of beauty was a common theme running throughout the report’s findings, which also revealed that one in seven women globally (71% in the UK) believe they get more compliments about how they look than on their professional achievements at work.
And while British women were found to have one of the lowest body confidence scores in the world (with only 20% of us saying we like the way that we look), the report revealed this beauty and appearance anxiety to be a global issue.
The campaign aims to empower women by celebrating the success stories of those who have risen above the external pressures to ‘look the part’ and redefined beauty on their own terms - and we’re totally on board.
Dove believes in the importance of starting the conversation early in life around beauty confidence and to-date, the Dove Self-Esteem Project has reached the lives of over 1.8 million young people with self-esteem building tools in the UK. The Dove Self-Esteem Project tools can be downloaded at http://selfesteem.dove.co.uk/
Join the conversation by sharing your own brand of beauty with #MyBeautyMySay