Rufus Hound Twitter Apology After Suggesting Manchester Bombing Was Inside Job By Theresa May

'Behave. Have some respect.'

Rufus Hound has been forced to apologise for suggesting Theresa May let the Manchester bombing happen to boost her poll ratings.

The comedian had picked up on a now-deleted tweet from someone else which said:

“Given that the attacker was known to MI5, the timing seems fortunate for May that an attack ‘slips through’ as Labour are making progress...”

Hound then added his own commentary with the hashtag #reichstagFire in reference to the arson attack on the German Parliament building in 1933 gave Hitler the justification to brutally crack down on his political opponents.

Apologies for mild tinhattedness, but I've been thinking the same. Esp. as she was Home Secretary for so long. #reichstagFire

— Rufus Hound 🌨 (@RufusHound) May 24, 2017

The backlash to the tweet was immediate.

@RufusHound You should delete that tweet. It's an incredibly irresponsible use of your huge platform.

— Caroline CriadoPerez (@CCriadoPerez) May 24, 2017

@RufusHound @helenlewis I think this probs will help May but you're suggesting UK gov is massacring its own kids. Behave. Have some respect.

— HannahJane Parkinson (@ladyhaja) May 24, 2017

@RufusHound @helenlewis genuinely can't even believe this tweet.

— HannahJane Parkinson (@ladyhaja) May 24, 2017

Hound responded to the criticism but didn’t back down from his criticism of the Government.

Okay, okay. Look, I'm probably from too cynical, but I struggle believing our establishment is incapable of great evil. If you're not, sorry

— Rufus Hound 🌨 (@RufusHound) May 24, 2017

I guess, I'm not really alleging it as true, more that I don't believe our establishment is incapable of such evil. Esp. during an election.

— Rufus Hound 🌨 (@RufusHound) May 24, 2017

Again, his comments were widely condemned.

@RufusHound Come off it; Rufus.
People who dedicate their lives to stopping this stuff decide to murder kids cos May temporarily drops a few points?

— VOTE PETER (@PeterMannionMP) May 24, 2017

@RufusHound *Forces on tin hat so tight it won’t come off*

— Shashank Joshi (@shashj) May 24, 2017

@RufusHound Are you really sick enough to believe that the UK government would ever deliberately target 8 year old girls. I feel sorry for you.

— MorecambewasWise (@rantingbazza) May 24, 2017

Hound continued, apparently taken aback by the reaction to his suggestion.

Oh, man. This thing has gone mental. I can only apologise to anyone who thinks I meant that tweet lightly. I genuinely didn't.

— Rufus Hound 🌨 (@RufusHound) May 24, 2017

But we're being governed by people who start wars and bomb innocents and whose austerity is killing our brothers and sisters.

— Rufus Hound 🌨 (@RufusHound) May 24, 2017

But I'm sorry. I really am. I guess the whole #hypernormalistaion of bizzare and inhuman acts has made me awful. So, I'm just sorry. Sorry.

— Rufus Hound 🌨 (@RufusHound) May 24, 2017

1/2 Please understand, I have kids the same age that would have been at that concert and my fear of the forces that will harm them...

— Rufus Hound 🌨 (@RufusHound) May 24, 2017

2/2 is deeply politicised. It just is. On no level do I devalue the loss suffered. If you feel I did,then I completely and utterly apologise

— Rufus Hound 🌨 (@RufusHound) May 24, 2017

But it was not enough to placate his critics.

@RufusHound Comparing May to Hitler, the Tories to the Nazis? You need to make an appointment with your doctor first thing tomorrow.

— Matt Williams (@matt_w1982) May 24, 2017

@RufusHound Shame on you for peddling this crap.

— Julie Owen Moylan (@JulieOwenMoylan) May 24, 2017

Hound's representatives have been contacted for comment.

Twenty-two people were killed and dozens seriously injured when Abedi, 22, detonated a device as fans left an Ariana Grande concert on Monday night.

Britain’s terror threat level has been raised to “critical” meaning an attack my be imminent.

  • Three men were arrested after police executed warrants in south Manchester, while officers entered an address in the city centre using a controlled explosion on Wednesday afternoon.
  • Three further arrests included a man carrying a suspect package in Wigan, a woman following an armed raid at a block of flats in Blackley, north Manchester, and a man at an address in Nuneaton, taking the total in custody in the UK to seven.
  • Sky News said it had obtained CCTV images which showed Abedi at Manchester’s Arndale shopping centre on Friday after he bought the rucksack used in the attack.
  • Cheshire Police confirmed that one of its female officers died while off-duty at the concert but have not named her.
  • Almost 1,000 military personnel were being deployed around the country, including to key sites such as Parliament, Buckingham Palace and Downing Street, after the official terror threat assessment was raised to critical, the highest level, indicating that a further attack may be
  • France’s interior minister disclosed that the bomber is believed to have travelled to Syria and claimed he had “proven” links with Islamic State (IS), which has claimed the
  • Claims emerged in America, reported by NBC News, that members of the bomber’s family had warned security officials Abedi was “dangerous”.
  • Management for US singer Grande, whose concert had just finished when the bomb went off, said her world tour including upcoming gigs at the O2 in London had been postponed.
  • The Government announced that a minute’s silence will be held at 11am on Thursday in remembrance of those who died or were affected by the attack.

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