Horrifying Videos Of Russia Bombing Ukrainian City Shows Kremlin Reaching New Lows

The attack on Kharkiv took place while peace talks were going on.
Ukrainian fighters have been trying to reclaim Kharkiv after a Russian invasion
Ukrainian fighters have been trying to reclaim Kharkiv after a Russian invasion
SERGEY BOBOK via Getty Images

Kharkiv, one of the more Russia-friendly Ukrainian cities, was bombed on Monday, sparking new concerns that the Kremlin is becoming increasingly ruthless in its attack.

Kharkiv is Ukraine’s second-largest city behind the capital of Kyiv. It has 1.5 million residents, and is a Russian-speaking region of Ukraine, near to the north-eastern border of the country.

The city remained under Ukrainian control even as Russia started to target the city over the weekend, but the attacks started up again with renewed aggression and “indiscriminate” shelling from the Kremlin on Monday.

The vicious bombings continued as Ukraine and Russia sat down for peace talks at the Belarusian border, five days on from Moscow’s first invasion.

One person tweeted: “Under the distraction of ‘peace’ talks in [Belarus] massive atrocities are being committed with indiscriminate rocket attacks in the civilian districts of Kharkiv.”

Ukraine’s interior ministry adviser Anton Herashchenko, wrote on Facebook this morning that the initial attacks on the city had already left “dozens of dead and hundreds of wounded” in rocket strikes.

Well-known broadcaster Andrew Neil even dubbed the decision to bomb Kharkiv “a war crime”.

The bombing followed a warning from defence secretary Ben Wallace, who warned the “West must brace itself for what comes next”, as he suspected Moscow would escalate its efforts as its invasion has stalled.

A Downing Street spokesperson also noted on Monday that prime minister Boris Johnson “categorically condemned the barbaric airstrikes being carried out by Russia against innocent civilians, including children.”

Here’s a roundup of some of the most heart-breaking footage.

This is what they are doing now to Kharkiv - a city that they totally believed was part of the "Russian world". What will they do to the OTHERS?? pic.twitter.com/PXKVVG5snq

— Christo Grozev (@christogrozev) February 28, 2022

This is what many have feared as the next step of a desperate military. I don't know whether Russians think war crimes like this will 'soften up' Ukrainians in the ceasefire talks but if they do they will be mistaken. https://t.co/T9j0CYB4m9

— Lawrence Freedman (@LawDavF) February 28, 2022

Horrendous. A clear war crime. https://t.co/femdfwKE83

— Andrew Neil (@afneil) February 28, 2022

13 dead officially confirmed so far.


— UkrianeWarReports (@WarReportUk) February 28, 2022

Kharkiv is the most Russia-friendly city in Ukraine – it’s just a stone’s throw over the border. How are Russian speakers going to look at the Kremlin’s claims it’s “liberating” them after this? https://t.co/x3PeQGvQT4

— max seddon (@maxseddon) February 28, 2022

Kharkiv under intense shelling by Russian artillery now. Civilian objects are targeted. Preliminary reports indicate dozens of casualties. Looks like revenge for the heroic resistance yesterday. #PutinWarCriminal pic.twitter.com/BjNv1TdO6M

— Olga Tokariuk (@olgatokariuk) February 28, 2022

According to @GeneralStaffUA the 🇷🇺invaders fired en masse on residential areas of Kharkiv. They claimed dozens killed and hundreds injured Ukrainian citizens. pic.twitter.com/R16hiSvjSf

— MFA of Ukraine 🇺🇦 (@MFA_Ukraine) February 28, 2022

#Russia cluster munitions being dropped on #Kharkiv, a city of 1.4 million people.


— Charles Lister (@Charles_Lister) February 28, 2022

Su-34 over Kharkiv. A bad sign about the trajectory of the war, suggests the Russian military has begun to use tactical aviation for bombing. Previously we only saw support from Su-25 attack aircraft. https://t.co/QTa4MwjXCS

— Michael Kofman (@KofmanMichael) February 28, 2022

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