'Sherlock' Writers Cancel Russian Talk Following Leak Of 'Final Problem' Episode

It's a strong statement.

‘Sherlock’ bosses were up in arms on Sunday when it appeared the final episode of their much-hyped series had been leaked a day ahead of the scheduled broadcast time.

‘The Final Problem’ was leaked online in Russia hours before it was due to air across the world, and now writer Steven Moffat and his wife, producer Sue Vertue, have cancelled their slot with a Russian conference, where they were due to give a talk.

'Sherlock's final episode was leaked in Russia ahead of its scheduled broadcast time, much to the consternation of its makers
'Sherlock's final episode was leaked in Russia ahead of its scheduled broadcast time, much to the consternation of its makers

The pair were invited to give a discussion via Skype on their show by Russia’s Channel One, the state broadcaster tasked with investigating the leak, and a BBC spokesman has told the Metro: “Due to the continuing investigations regarding the leaked Sherlock episode in Russia, BBC Worldwide postponed the planned masterclass.”

The production team behind the hit show is set to reschedule the event for when investigations have been concluded.

What should have been an exciting time for ‘Sherlock’ bosses on Sunday ahead of the airing of their final show was filled with chaotic damage limitation, as both writers and producer took to social media, asking any fans who had seen the show not to leak any spoilers.

Fortunately, enough fans learned about the problem to turn away from social media until the show aired at 9pm, so there were still enough surprises to keep most of the huge audience on its toes.


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