Stacey Solomon Let Her Sons Name Baby Brother Rex – Would You Do The Same?

Toddlers could come up with some pretty out-there suggestions 🦖

Stacey Solomon revealed how she and Joe Swash came to name their new son Rex – turns out it was his older siblings who suggested the name.

“Rex Toby Francis Swash,” Solomon wrote on Instagram this weekend. “Rex because our boys think he sounds like a T-Rex. Francis is Joe’s Nanna’s name and Toby is my Nanna’s name.”

Whether Solomon and Swash had the final say on the name or not – is it ever okay to let your existing child or children name a new baby?

Choosing a baby name is hard. They’re most likely going to be stuck with it for the rest of their life – so is it easier to let their siblings help make the decision?

When we asked parents on Twitter, responses ranged from cute to even cuter:

My three year old wants to call our forthcoming baby (due thurs) ‘cuddle’. I fear it’s going to stick 😬

— Pip (@Mrspip81) June 10, 2019

That's how we came up with our son's name. We love Captain Underpants dearly.

— Shuffs 🏴 (@shuffs655m) June 10, 2019

I wanted to name @DaisyLindlar either Marina or Phones after the Stingray characters

— Charlie Lindlar (@charlielindlar) June 10, 2019

Naming children should be by the parents, siblings should give input, but parents should have final say. Kids should definitely name their four legged family members.

— cyndi baum (@cyndi3dbaum) June 10, 2019

Sometimes it can work, though.

My eldest daughter named our son when she was four, after the Axel Scheffler story “Freddy the Frog” which we had as a bath book at the time 🐸

— Mummy Tries (@MummyTries) June 10, 2019

Mum Sabrina Rogers-Anderson previously wrote that involving your kids in the baby-naming process could help them bond with a new sibling (and palm off the jealousy). But sticking to ground rules – such as putting together a shortlist and getting them to vote – could be a way around ending up with a Baby McBabeface scenario.

Parents previously told HuffPost UK they turned to their kids when trying to name their baby – but only for inspiration. One mum said her two older sons chose their third son’s name. “They were big fans of wrestling so chose ‘Undertaker’,” she says. “My third son’s name is Cain Taker Smith.”

Another said her six-year-old begged and begged to choose his new brother’s name. “He wanted Wolverine,” she says. “That was never going to happen, but it did get us thinking. We now have a six-month-old baby called Logan.”

One mum said her youngest was named by her sister, a Harry Potter obsessed six-year old. “As she was a girl, she was Lily (the boy wizard’s mum). I drew the line at Hermione but if we’d had a boy, it would have been Harry.”

Or, you could just let your kids pick their own names once they’re old enough?
