Joe Pasquale Dressed As A Gimp On 'The Nightly Show' And It's Something We'll Never Be Able To Unsee

That's notthe way to pull in viewers.

With ‘The Nightly Show’ struggling in the ratings, bosses have been trying everything they can to pull the viewers in, but we’re not sure the sight of Joe Pasquale in full bondage gear is the best way to go about that.

Wednesday (5 April) night’s edition of the show saw the comic dress up as a gimp and - no offence to Joe, of course - it’s something we don’t think we’ll ever be able to unsee.

If you missed the episode (lucky you), behold:


Told you.

But it doesn’t end there. Oh no.

Joe also took a trip to an S&M club in a pre-recorded VT, where he was spanked and tied up by a dominatrix.

He later told guest host Bradley Walsh of the injuries he suffered at her hands, complaining of “bruising” and “chaffing”.


Joe’s, ahem, appendage also drew some unexpected attention from Bradley, who seemed to be mesmerised by the size of his bulge.

“Don’t shout at it. That’s my willy in there,” Joe shrieked. “You’re talking about why willy on live television. Leave my willy out of it.”

It’s been quite the week for Joe during Bradley’s stint hosting ‘The Nightly Show’, as on Monday he was subjected to having his nipple pierced, for reasons we’re still not entirely sure of, while the following night viewers saw him having his anus waxed.


‘The Nightly Show’ airs weeknights at 10pm on ITV.


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