The Solution To Black Bathroom Mould Is Likely In Your Kitchen

No more scrubbing.
Guido Mieth via Getty Images

Trying to keep the bathroom pristine can feel like a losing battle, especially when even with what feels like a good amount of ventilation and scrubbing, black mould still appears in the corners and crevices of tiles and if you’re anything like us, you’ve probably tried what feels like every single cleaning product to banish and prevent it.

However, Warren Kinloch, a bathroom expert at Bathroom Deal has just the solution for us and it turns out that the solution was likely hiding in our kitchens the whole time and if not, cost less than £2 for both from most supermarkets.

Household items for cleaning black mould in bathrooms

So, what are these items? Well, they’re simply baking soda and vinegar. That’s it. Basically, the reactive ingredients in both work together to create a cheap, effective solution to black mould in bathrooms and an array of other household issues.

Additionally, if your mould has started to give off THAT musty smell, this combo will work to not only get rid of the mould but that nasty smell, too, thanks to the combination of the alkaline found in baking soda and the acidic properties of vinegar.

So, to do this, you simply need to combine one part water, one part white vinegar and a teaspoon of baking powder. Spray directly onto the mould and leave for a couple of hours. Once you come back, a quick scrub should bring up all of the mould.

This solution also works to clear drains, toilets, and disinfecting mouldy washing machines.

How to prevent black mould in bathrooms

Now that it’s gone, how do we make sure we don’t have to deal with black mould in the bathroom again for at least a while? Well, the experts at PlumbNation have some advice for us.

  • Leave the windows open after a shower
  • Wipe around the shower regularly and invest in a mildew-resistant shower curtain
  • Place purifying plants in your bathroom such as golden pothos or asparagus fern plants
  • Maintain a regular cleaning routine
  • Take note of and replace cracking bathroom grout
  • Wash your shower curtain and bath mat regularly
  • Leave the shower curtain or door open after each shower
  • Try to not leave wet towels on the floor