What Do Women Do In The Bath? These Bath Tray Manufacturers Have Some Wild Ideas

Coffee and wine? Good heavens.

If you aren’t juggling multiple beverages and at least two electronic devices while also attempting to paint your nails, are you really taking a bath correctly?

Apparently not, according to bath tray manufacturers – who have some seriously out-there ideas about what women do in the bath. (And how much stuff they need to take in with them!)

The ridiculousness of their product photos was pointed out in a Twitter thread by pianist Sharon Su – and we just can’t get enough of it.

According to the manufacturers, essential bath time items include:

Undressed salad

Coffee, plus wine, plus an empty mug

The National Geographic, nail varnish, and dry cereal

Perfume with a side of electric blue cocktail


And finally, not one but two phones

Honestly it’s like a round on the Generation Game – and if you’re too young to understand that reference, we recommend hitting up YouTube next time you’re in the bath.
