Toddler With Rare Lung Cancer Makes 'Miracle' Recovery Just Before Life Support Was Switched Off

Dylan's older brother had already said goodbye to him.

A three-year-old boy who was close to having his life support machine switched off, made a “miracle” recovery as his family prepared to say their goodbyes.

Dylan Askin, from South Derbyshire, was diagnosed with a rare type of lung cancer called Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis in December 2015.

By Easter 2016, his condition had deteriorated and his parents, Kerry Askin, 29, and Mike Askin, 36, were told to prepare their goodbyes.

Dylan’s older brother Bryce, six, had already said goodbye to him.

“The doctors kept having conversations with us and saying he’s not going to make it,” Mr Askin said.

Dylan Askin.
Dylan Askin.

However Dylan’s mum spotted movement when he was in hospital, and the doctor then noticed his blood results had changed.

Dylan began to make a slow recovery. He was kept on life support and after several weeks in intensive care, he was allowed home.

“We often call him a miracle,” said Mrs Askin.

Although Dylan is still going through chemotherapy, his parents say he looks and acts like he’s never been as unwell as he was.

Watch the video above for the full story.
