'Top Gear': Viewers On Twitter Don't Know What To Think Of Chris Evans And Matt LeBlanc's First Episode

Their reviews were pretty damning...

It was one of 2016’s most anticipated TV moments so far, and the debut of the new series of ‘Top Gear’ wound up being every bit as divisive as we expected.

Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc took the reins of the hit BBC motoring show for the first time in Sunday night’s (29 May) episode, following the still-controversial departure of Jeremy Clarkson last year.

Viewers on Twitter were as opinionated as ever, and the knives were well and truly out for Chris Evans (because you can punch a producer in the face and be forgiven, but being a bit loud while you’re reading the autocue is as heinous as it gets, apparently), who proved to be a polarising figure among fans of the show.

Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc
Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc
Neil Mockford/Alex Huckle via Getty Images

One of Chris’s biggest crimes appeared to be the sheer volume at which he was speaking, which put off some viewers from the beginning…

#TopGear If Chris Evans stopped shouting and spoke in a normal voice the new show might be a lot less irritating @TopGearReact

— Chris P (@NottrulyHere) May 29, 2016

#ChrisEvans needs to A) stop shouting, B) stop being condescending & C) being generally annoying #TopGear2016

— Kayleigh G-R (@Roxy_Blade) May 29, 2016

Watching the new #TopGear... Why is Chris Evans SHOUTING EVERYTHING!!!!

— sarah lewis (@sarah_jayne89) May 29, 2016

I can hear Chris Evans with my TV muted why is he so loud #TopGear

— Phil Coates (@Phil_Coates) May 29, 2016

#TopGear isn't so bad. Can we ditch Chris Evans though? Why's he so loud?! Stop it. pic.twitter.com/eaOqZb1gCq

— JeffGMJ (@JeffGMJ) May 30, 2016

Chris Evans was too loud ,he was literally shouting 🙉 Matt LeBlanc was much better #TopGear

— Aroosa Awais (@AroosaAwais) May 29, 2016

While others lamented that the new team hadn’t quite nailed the chemistry side of things just yet…

What a load of boring rubbish. No charisma from the hosts, no chemistry... just dull, dull, dull #TopGear

— Leigh Extence (@LeighExtence) May 30, 2016

Chris Evans & Joey have awkward bants. The bants I have when I'm in a queue, then queue longer than I thought & I regret chatting #TopGear

— Felicity Morse (@FelicityMorse) May 29, 2016

Matt LeBlanc seems a great presenter for #TopGear, but you just can't script co-host chemistry. It was about as awkward as Miliband eating.

— Josh Palmer (@josh__palmer) May 29, 2016

So far the new #TopGear is far more cringe worthy than I expected. Chris & Matt have no chemistry at all :( pic.twitter.com/qQtFyBAzga

— Barnacules (@Barnacules) May 29, 2016

I'm a fan of Evans and LeBlanc, but the forced chemistry was terrible, the gags unfunny, the new format completely terrible. Awful. #TopGear

— Shane on Blast106 (@ShanePearce) May 29, 2016

However, the former ‘Friends’ actor did go down well with some viewers…

Okay, #MattLeBlanc saves the day. #TopGear2016 pic.twitter.com/iwCbQ8fHtP

— Bonita Bennett (@bonitafernan) May 29, 2016

#MattLeBlanc is one episode in and already the best presenter #TopGear has ever had.

— Laurance Meade (@Laurance_HIE) May 29, 2016

Matt LeBlanc is a funny fella but Evans is trying too hard #TopGear

— Sam Watts (@SamWatts) May 30, 2016

Very respectable start. Matt LeBlanc star of the show. Funny moments. Warmth. Ideas. 4 stars out of 5 #TopGear

— Michael Hogan (@michaelhogan) May 29, 2016

The best thing so far on the all new #TopGear is definitely Matt le Blanc. Smart, funny, accomplished

— Alison Alexander (@AliAlexander15) May 29, 2016

Matt LeBlanc saves the show from ultimate shambles. His natural charisma, humour and power of entertainment shines through.

— Callum Ainscow (@ThatGuyAinscow) May 29, 2016

Others couldn’t help but miss the old days…

Really wanted to like the new #TopGear but @achrisevans is so far doing a cringeworthy attempt at copying @jeremyclarkson in every way.

— •a• (@anthonybailey__) May 29, 2016

Chris Evans' Jeremy Clarkson impression is seamless. Uncanny... #topgear

— Kevin O'Sullivan (@TVKev) May 29, 2016

see Chris Evans needs to be himself instead of copying Jeremy Clarkson - at least that would get him bit more respect #TopGear

— Philine (@Philine_W) May 29, 2016

30 seconds in and it already seems Chris Evans is doing a Jeremy Clarkson impression...

— Jon Bridges (@jonnbridges) May 29, 2016

Just caught up with #TopGear, managed half of it before i subscribed to Amazon prime, @achrisevans trying to be @JeremyClarkson. #Shite

— ARVcop (@ARVcop) May 30, 2016

But some took a more optimistic approach...

I'm enjoying it! It's different for gods sake, folk need to give it a chance! It'd got boring & fake anyway, let it get its groove #TopGear

— Dawn Nixon (@dawnienixon) May 29, 2016

@BBC_TopGear was a bit weird yes , how ever it will grow as you forget the old style. Give it chance people #topgear #joey #howyoudoing

— Karl (@kjb1984) May 30, 2016

People hating on new #TopGear might want to watch the very early Clarkson Hammond and May episodes and see how awkward and unpolished it was

— Joe Anderton (@JoeAndertweet) May 29, 2016

Taking over #TopGear was a big ask. I for one am well pleased with this opening episode. Chemistry isn't made overnight people...

— Andrew Brown (@andrewbrownnet) May 29, 2016

#TopGear Conclusion: It got better, really impressed with Matt LeBlanc as clear chemistry between him and Evans emerging. Onwards to Ep.2...

— Matthew Hall (@MediaMattMakes) May 29, 2016

Social media is so quick to jump on a bandwagon #TopGear wasn't actually that bad considering it was their first show...give it a chance!

— Sam Clayton (@ToonGlider) May 29, 2016

Critics were similarly divided about the first episode, with reviews ranging from scathing to hopeful, following Chris and Matt’s debut at the helm.

‘Top Gear’ continues on Sunday (5 June) at 8pm on BBC Two.


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