Unnerving Photos Of Ukraine From Before And After The War Reveal Depth Of Russian Atrocities

In just over six weeks, parts of the besieged country have become unrecognisable.

The extent of the damage to Ukraine from the war is painfully clear from photos being shared on social media, showing life before and after the Russian invasion.

Ukraine has been transformed by the brutality of the Russian forces in recent weeks, but there are fears the Kremlin is only going to get more aggressive.

Amid unverified reports that chemical weapons have been used in Mariupol and claims Russia is gathering tens of thousands of troops for an eastern offensive, the UN says more than half of the country’s children have been displaced since the invasion.

The devastation felt across the country is palpable in these photos and videos, showing just how life in Ukraine has turned completely upside down.

Bucha, for instance, is just one of the many cities being targeted by the Russians. It made headlines last week after troops withdrew, and humanitarian workers and journalists uncovered the civilian massacre they left behind.

The city of Bucha in Ukraine. Before and after. pic.twitter.com/YWETSiiq8A

— RS Archer (@archer_rs) April 4, 2022

A particularly haunting clip of a family in Kharkiv who had their lives transformed clearly cut through on social media as well, as it was repeatedly shared from a range of users.

A Kharkiv family, before and after the Russian invasion of Ukraine #Ukraine🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/IuhrOW9GH9

— Aleph א 🇺🇦 (@no_itsmyturn) April 11, 2022

A different TikTok video which claims to show a Ukrainian office shows workers getting on with their day-to-day lives, before flashing to the complete collapse of the ruined building afterwards.

An office in Ukraine before and after the beginning of Russian-Ukrainian war pic.twitter.com/qgGaafEoXG

— Michael Elgort 🇺🇦✡️ (@just_whatever) April 12, 2022

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenksyy, who has emerged as a courageous wartime leader in recent weeks, appears heavily altered by the war too, according to photos shared on Twitter.

Before & After.

These photos were taken 42 days apart, by President #Zelensky’s official presidential photographer.

The image on left was 23rd February, the last day before Russia commenced invasion of Ukraine. The one on the right was in Bucha, yesterday. pic.twitter.com/dPEDGXd0Iq

— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) April 5, 2022

Another video showed children in Mariupol messing around at school, before “unthinkable shelling, bombardment and blockade” left the building completely destroyed.

Public school N66 in #Mariupol, before and after #Russia's unthinkable shelling, bombardment and blockade of one of the fastest developing cities in #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/SWvfL4Lxha

— Giorgi Revishvili (@revishvilig) April 7, 2022

Jarring images showing just how damaged the buildings of Ukraine have been making the rounds too, often posted with little to no explanation on social media.

Ukraine, Before and After Russia's unlawful invasion. pic.twitter.com/qin4SR6IUH

— Deborah Gayle Robinson (@DeborahGayleRo1) April 12, 2022

#Mariupol before and after the arrival of the “#Russian world”#Ukraine #StopRussianAgression pic.twitter.com/Gjkgu0Yltr

— U24 (@u24_news) April 12, 2022

#Mariupol, #Ukraine.
Before and after "#Russian peace".#Russia deliberately created humanitarian catastrophe in the city, keeps shelling it and kills innocent civilians.#RussiaInvadedUkraine#StandWithUkraine#StopRussianAgression#StopPutin pic.twitter.com/AMePvjA2aL

— Emine Dzheppar (@EmineDzheppar) April 7, 2022

📷The airport of #Mykolaiv before and after the Russian shelling #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar pic.twitter.com/oYw7IKoFaV

— MilitaryLand.net (@Militarylandnet) April 7, 2022

The before and after in Kyiv’s Independence Square. We hope for the day it returns to its original glory. #Ukraine #Kyiv #SlavaUkraini pic.twitter.com/5a0gVXjLQ8

— FreedomSquares.io (@Freedom_Squares) April 10, 2022

This is Ukraine before and after the Russian invasion …

(Source: the United Nations) pic.twitter.com/hkaBsa1tLv

— Brut America (@brutamerica) April 5, 2022

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