University Challenge's Eric Monkman IS A Heartthrob And Here Are 6 Sexy Photos To Prove It

The social media icon says he doesn't see himself as an 'object of desire'. We disagree.

University Challenge hero Eric Monkman has revealed he doesn’t understand why so many people have a BIG crush on him.

As Monkman’s Wolfson College, Cambridge, prepare to go head-to-head with Balliol College, Oxford, in the final, the social media icon told the Telegraph: “I don’t see myself as an object of desire”.

However, hundreds have declared their love for the 29-year-old Canadian, as well as shared their plans to marry him - via social media.

As I am planning to marry Eric Monkman, I will certainly be listening to this.

— Fiona Unwin (@fionaunwin) April 1, 2017

As #Monkmania descends on Twitter ahead of the big final, here are six photos that prove Monkman is indeed a total heartthrob.

1) The sexy eyebrow

Just look at it
Just look at it

Monkman has been described as intense by some but many actually go weak at the knees over his expressive eyebrows.

Monkman's intense eyebrow game is incredible #universitychallenge

— Uni Challenge Faces (@UnichallengeF) September 19, 2016

2) Blue Steel

Watch out Derek Zoolander
Watch out Derek Zoolander

Yes, you heard us right. We believe Eric Monkman can achieve ‘Blue Steel’, the winning expression made famous by fictional Derek Zoolander in the Zoolander films, with those aforementioned amazing eyebrows. Sigh.


— tamsin🦊 (@psychocxndy) April 6, 2017

3) Dimples

Just look at those cheeks!
Just look at those cheeks!

He’s notoriously humble, but it’s great when he cracks out that winning smile. Who couldn’t fall for those dimples?

4) Suited and booted

Twitter decided! Red tie it was. Thank you to @Bobby_Seagull for lending it to me.

Also, happy (belated) #PiDay, everyone.

— Eric Monkman (@e_monkman) March 15, 2017

Away from the BBC cameras where, yes, he wears the same outfit for every show, more of Monkman’s wardrobe can be seen on his Twitter account. The photo above shows him rocking former University Challenge rival Bobby Seagull’s tie.

5) Christmas casual

I wish you all a happy and blessed Christmas.

— Eric Monkman (@e_monkman) December 24, 2016

Oh to spend Christmas day with Monkman ❤️❤️❤️ He’s not always suited and booted or in his trademark navy knit. He’d look great in a Christmas jumper, without a doubt.

6) That winning smile again

Take a bow Monkman + my friends @yangjustinc @ChasingNeutrons @BenChaudhri from @WolfsonCam #UniversityChallenge #TeamEmma salute you!

— Bobby Seagull (@Bobby_Seagull) September 19, 2016

This photo shows off his perfectly aligned teeth and a handsome, intelligent friend (Bobby Seagull), if you fancied a double date.

Unfortunately, for anyone hoping to date, (or marry) Monkman, he does actually have a girlfriend Jiang Na, who is a law professor at Beijing Normal University.

Swoon, it’ll have to remain as a crush for now, folks.

I think I love Monkman more than I love my own children. Look at him, barking the answers at Paxman like an angry wasp. #UniversityChallenge

— phill (@phill_079) March 27, 2017

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