US Politician's Attempt To 'Honour' Trump Mocked For Looking Like A Urethra

"You really didn't think this through, did you?" one critic on Twitter asked.

Florida state Representative Anthony Sabatini drew backlash and mockery on Monday after saying he’d filed a bill to rename US Route 27 – which runs through his state – after Donald Trump.

Sabatini, who is running for Congress in 2022, asked people on Twitter to sign a petition “to name Florida’s longest road” the “President Donald J. Trump Highway” to “honour one of America’s greatest Presidents.”

BREAKING: Today I filed the Bill to name Florida’s longest road—U.S. Highway 27—the “President Donald J. Trump Highway,” to honor one of America’s greatest Presidents. 🇺🇸

Sign the official “Donald J. Trump Highway” petition here👇

— Rep. Anthony Sabatini (@AnthonySabatini) August 9, 2021

Some critics suggested Sabatini should currently be focused more on the Covid-19 crisis that is once again engulfing the state, where new infections have soared in recent weeks.

Others reminded the Florida Republican of twice-impeached Trump’s legacy:

Can you name a single road, bridge, highway, library, etc named the "PRESIDENT (enter your president's name here)". It's the Ronald Reagan Airport. Not the PRESIDENT Reagan airport. Why would you break with this protocol for Trump?

— David A (@davidazevedo61) August 9, 2021

Wow, someone's found a way to reduce traffic congestion.

— 🧠Emily Willingham🦑 (@ejwillingham) August 9, 2021

Then turn right onto DeSantis Drive… where the 4 seasons landscaping awaits…. Quick left onto Covid Boulevard…. Cross street …Insanity Lane…or just take I-95 N….and leave the raging Covid state behind… 👍🏼

— 💫⭐️💖Corey💖⭐️💫 (@harleyb19951) August 9, 2021

How is a one-term President who lost the Popular Vote twice considered "one of America’s greatest Presidents"?

— William Previdi (@WilliamPrevidi) August 9, 2021

Hey, if you want to further soil your state, knock yourself out.

— Andrew C Laufer, Esq (@lauferlaw) August 9, 2021

I hear Trump is saying it’s much longer, the longest road ever named after a President in the history of the world. Here’s the proof.

— Another Angry Southern Liberal (@KtownLiberal) August 9, 2021

Why would you name a highway after Donald Trump when he failed to get infrastructure improvements enacted?

This makes no sense.

— Tony (@TonyHamaoui) August 9, 2021

I'll sign it if you add one word ....
“Donald J. Trump Lost Highway”

— KelShel pt2 (@ShelKel2) August 9, 2021

That's a urethra.

— Norm Wilner (@normwilner) August 9, 2021

Highway to Covid hell.

— Denise Wu (@denisewu) August 9, 2021

The signs will all be in sharpie, misspelled, and giving you the wrong information.

— Ka0s_Theory (@KA0STHRY) August 9, 2021

Named pretty perfectly for a road that goes mostly through swamp.

— Alex Merz (@Merz) August 10, 2021

Cool how the highway resembles a chart mapping his popularity.

— J Hernandez (@thisdudejaime) August 9, 2021

The latest from @TheOnion

— Keith Devlin (@profkeithdevlin) August 10, 2021

Going north to south, it looks like a urethra

Going south to north, it's a catheter

You really didn't think this through, did you?

— FearlessFreep 🏳️🌈 (@FFreep) August 9, 2021

In what way is he one of America’s greatest presidents?
Please educate me.
Trade deficit?
National debt?
America being respected worldwide?
Please let me know when you get a chance.

— Nathan Quarry (@NateRockQuarry) August 10, 2021

Well, if anyone deserves to have Florida's urethra named after them...

— Charles Evans (@banditref) August 9, 2021

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