Victoria Derbyshire has apologised after saying she would “break the rule of six” to have her family of seven together this Christmas.
In an interview with Radio Times the presenter revealed she intended to spend the festive period with her relatives and was willing to break the rules to do so.

“If the rule of six is still in place at Christmas, we’re breaking it to have the rule of seven, we just are,” she told the magazine. “Joining me, my husband and our two boys will be my mum, her partner and my husband’s dad.
“It’s fine. We’ll do it knowing what the risks are. We’re not stupid. We’re going to be sensible and buy a thermometer gun. But we have to be together at Christmas. It feels almost irresponsible saying that, but I don’t think we’re alone in feeling that way. We need to see my elderly mum and my husband’s elderly dad. We just do.”
On Tuesday, Victoria apologised for her comments on Twitter, admitting it was “totally wrong” and that she will follow whatever rules are in place at Christmas.
“I’m starting the day by saying I’m sorry,” she tweeted. “A few weeks ago the Radio Times asked me (amongst other things) what would potentially happen at Christmas with my own family if the rule of six was still in place.
“I talked about my mum, her partner & my dad-in-law spending it with us - making seven in our home in a Tier One area (medium). It was hypothetical - however I was totally wrong to say it & I’m sorry. We’ll of course continue to follow whatever rules are in place on Dec 25th.”
The presenter, who has two sons, Oliver, 16, and Joe, 13, with her husband Mark also told Radio Times that it was family she has missed the most during the pandemic.
“What I’ve missed most is having loads of people round my house and seeing family,” she said.
“My mum lives in Bolton, I live in London, so I’ve not been able to see her much. We do Zoom calls every Saturday, but that’s it. It’s mad.”
Read the full interview with Victoria in this week’s Radio Times, out now.