victoria derbyshire

Chris Philp told the BBC presenter she was talking "absolute nonsense" as tempers flared.
Morgan no longer thinks "re-moaning" is ridiculous, but necessary.
Claire Coutinho was quizzed over Conservative claims Labour will put taxes up by £2,000.
The presenter questioned why new Tory policies appear to undo old Tory schemes.
The PM is keen to get planes to Rwanda off the ground, but is yet to show the same enthusiasm to get alleged rape cases through the courts.
Brendan Clarke-Smith faced BBC Newsnight audience in Doncaster that resoundingly dismissed impact of flagship government policy.
The ex-PM is one of the prominent politicians leading the Popular Conservatives movement.
Robert Jenrick told Victoria Derbyshire "the public are undecided" despite Labour's seismic wins in Tamworth and Mid Bedfordshire.