Desperately trying to do up trousers that we could have sworn fitted before Christmas. Rummaging around in the Quality Street tin in vain to try to find a leftover green triangle. Watching four James Bond films back-to-back.
This is probably how most of us spend our Boxing Day.
Of course, these days many of us will also hit the high street to try to find a Boxing Day bargain in the sales, although this could be about to change.

Hundreds of thousands of people have signed a petition asking prime minister Theresa May to stop shops opening on the 26th and these calls were backed by Labour ahead of a Commons debate on the issue.
But there’s a whole history behind the day, which is traditionally associated with giving money to those in need, as well as for sporting events.
How much do you actually know about Boxing Day? Do you even know why it’s called that? Test your knowledge with our tricky quiz...