Like Daria Morgendorffer, I am of the strong opinion that there is no aspect, no facet, no moment of life that can’t be improved with pizza. And, now thanks to *science* my 90s pop culture icon and I have been proved right once more.
Now I know what you’re thinking. Pizza is junk food. Pizza is fast food. Well, yes it is and also no it isn’t. It all depends on how you assemble/order.
Sure, a greasy frozen slice fresh out the box might not have all the nutritional benefits your body is looking for. But, if you’re doing it like the Italians, and they do do it best, you’re actually in for a bit of a treat.
Fresh mozzarella, olive oil, fresh tomatoes and basil on top of a thin, hand kneaded stonebaked bread? Categorically not junk food — and actually, in the right quantities very good for you.
So good, in fact, that it may help sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis. But how?
Thanks to new research by the Journal of Nutrients, which examined the eating habits of many Italian city residents, including Rhode Island and Providence.
And what they found was pretty astonishing.
Those who ate at least half a pizza a week felt a reduction in their symptoms. Yahoo News reported that those with more severe rheumatoid arthritis seemed to fare better when eating more pizza, too.
So, in short, when it comes to pizza — the more the better.
In the study, one author wrote; “These beneficial effects were likely driven by mozzarella cheese and, to a lesser extent, by olive oil, even though we were unable to assess the possible contribution of tomato sauce.”
Tomato sauce or not — a slice of pizza is good for us. But not just those of us who are diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. No, pizza is actually just good for everyone.
Why? Because as a top-tier comfort food, it provides our brains with a boost of feel-good.
So long as we’re eating more of the fresh stuff, we have nothing too much to worry about.
All that’s left to decide is whether or not you’re putting pineapple on top, or not.
And whatever you choose, just make sure you’re heating up your leftovers the right way.