Yes, Really – Period Sex Is Good For You (And Here's How To Do It)

Your uterus will thank you.

The number one film on Netflix at the moment, Fair Play, is an erotic thriller where the two characters have to conceal their relationship due to work policy.

As the film progresses, tensions rise as one is promoted and their relationship takes a dark turn.

However, this tension isn’t actually what’s got people talking, it’s actually a scene featuring period sex. Once considered highly taboo, this scene has been praised by Men’s Health, GQ, and viewers on X.

While period sex is unexpected in the film, it can actually be incredibly beneficial and enjoyable for both parties as long as you’re both comfortable and consenting.

Additionally, according to a period sex survey carried out by the period experts at Bodyform, half of adults say that they’d ‘never’ have period sex but 39% of people that get periods say that during their period is when they’d be most inclined to have sex.

So, what are the benefits of period sex?

So, aside from being something that 39% of us just want to be doing on our periods, what are the actual health benefits of having sex during your period?

According to Healthline, the biggest downside to having period sex is just the mess. Blood can get on you, your partner and your bedsheets, especially if you have a heavy flow. But, when isn’t sex just a little messy? Isn’t that part of the fun? Just me?

However, when it comes to the benefits of period sex, it seems that they can make having a period... almost enjoyable which is huge news for the 80% of us that will experience period pain at least once in our lifetimes.

This is because when you have an orgasm, the muscles of your uterus contract and release, bringing relief from period cramps. Of course, sex also triggers the release of endorphins, which are “feel good hormones”.

Finally, if you’re a migraine sufferer that tends to experience attacks during your period, a 2013 study found that many of those who do have sex during their periods say it partially or entirely relieves their attacks.

Are there any risks to having sex during your period?

Regardless of where you are in your cycle, you should practice safe sex but during your period, you should take extra caution. According to Sherry A.Ross, MD and women’s health expert, “It’s possible to not only get pregnant during your period but also to contract an STI.”

How to have period sex

Basically, it’s up to you! According to the period experts at Clue, some people choose to have sex in the shower to reduce mess while others simply put a towel down and others just enjoy getting a little bit messy!

Your period and sex life are both individual to you so whatever you think you’d feel most comfortable doing is what matters. If you’ve never done it before, you may want to work your way up to doing it without the shield of a shower or towel but there’s no shame in diving right in and either way, your uterus will thank you!

Let’s hope that representation like on Fair Play helps to stop period sex stigma all together.
