I would never consider myself either a "boys' girl" or a "girls' girl". I'm pretty balanced when it comes to my friendships, but one thing I have learnt is that men are black and white when it comes to friendship circles and us ladies are all kinds of shades of grey (no, not the E.L. James kind). After upsetting Binky, I was ostracised from the girl group and felt like I had no one to turn to other than Alex and Jamie for advice. It wasn't a malicious action. It wasn't a back-stabbing or two-faced decision. When Alex and Binky were together I was disgusted at the way he behaved. However, I've known him longer than I've known anyone else in Chelsea and when everyone moved on, I too forgave him. In retrospect, asking him for advice wasn't the wisest move and I can see how it hurt her, but Jamie and Alex stuck up for me when I really needed some friendly advice.
At Spencer's party I went to make my peace with Tiff and Sam. It may not have been comfortable for her to see me there, but if I avoided them all night it would've only made things worse. Don't get me wrong, I was shouting "Stop talking!" at the screen as I watched myself repeatedly put my giant foot in it. I genuinely wish them the best, but the teaser for the next episode suggests that Sam may have done something else wrong. If that's the case then would steer clear of Lucy, Sam...

The other relationships in Chelsea seem to be going well. Seriously. I think 'Stosh' look really happy together (sorry, Stevie) and even Lucy is starting to get on their side. I also think Spencer and Lauren Frazer Hutton (I haven't worked out a name for them yet) make a pretty good match. If her abs are anything to go by then she's no walkover. Maybe I'm wrong, I hope I'm not wrong, but I do think Spencer could change his ways. Although, I think it's fair enough for Steph and Lucy to warn her - his track record isn't the best.
The final conflict with Binky was hurtful. She was clearly hurt too, but we live together in a shared property so asking me to move out is a big deal. I wish we could've worked things out on our own, but we were living in awkward silence. Alex tried to help resolve things between us, but unfortunately it looks like I've just made things a whole lot worse for him too. Seriously, does anyone have a time machine?! If not, then it looks like I'll be on the hunt for a new room. With Christmas approaching hopefully forgiveness is a possibility, but we'll have to see.

It's National Christmas Jumper Day on the 12th of December, and you can check out my favourite looks on my second series of High Street Edit. You'll also find some of my Daisy Street Collection featured http://www.daisystreet.co.uk/fran-x-ds :
Those of you who are up for entertaining might also want to check out mine and Olivia Newman-Young's foodie series Canapés and Cocktails: