Victorians were obsessed with it, today we have an entire generation XOXOing because of it and for me gossip has always been fascinating. We've created a world of shared stories, whispers, snap shots and identities through things we've said, heard and wanted to be. Community bonds - not the financial kind - are built on many things, one of which is occasionally the pleasure of knowing something about someone that they don't want you to know. Do you follow?
Gossip is a big thing in my urban and rural family, but we call it 'catching up.' My mum is by the far the funniest as she'll actually ask 'Do you want some gossip?' As if somehow giving me the option to decide if I want responsibility for the information might make me say no; I never say no. My stock response is 'sure', accompanied with a practised Parisian shrug suggesting the news is already passe, meaning I don't care either way, but we all know I do. I'll be honest there have been times when I've learnt things that I wish I didn't know, equally there have been things that have helped me understand the actions of others and the actions of others have sometimes led me to nearly pee myself with laughter as I recognise some social faux pas that I've done myself. I've never said no to my mum (who would?) when it comes to catching up; straight away that tells you something about the way I view family gossip. I like it.
I separate this family friendly gossip (debatable) from the world of celebrity; for example I wouldn't tap my auntie's phone to find out what she was up to, I'd just ask my mum. 2012 has been interesting for the old celeb chitter chatter. Sadie Frost won compensation for her phone being hacked, Ashley Judd bit back through The Daily Beast, the Times Rich List is out in the open and it's the first anniversary of Wills and Kate - the nation, nay worlds sweethearts. Interestingly there is mainly positive gossip - if there is such a thing about the young Royals, maybe if you are responsible for bringing nearly a £1billion into the UK economy you get cut a bit of gossip slack.
It's here at The Schock of Gossip, that we'll begin our conversation about what gossip means to you and your world. How do you and your friends and family share it? Do you buy into celebrity gossip? Can you live without it? Does it even matter? Are your fashion, food and lifestyle choices made on the assumption of ideas and snippets over heard in café's, on the street or by the club, court or ballet barre? Have you found out gossip about yourself (grim!)that has made you do one of those weird faces when you half smile, curl your lip, frown and shake your head all at the same time? What did you do about it? And finally (for now) do you gossip or are you the friend that keeps all the secrets?
Personally I'm a bit of a keeper (if I do say so myself - oh hush Miss Brick), I mean I have the secrets - there are umpteen things inside my head which once in my ear they go into a little, well largish, box and stay put. I don't mind sharing something if its harmless, but then again how do I know if it's harmless or not?