The James Savile story seems to have been running longer than the Profumo affair, Charlie Sheen and Rebekah Brooks' severance deal.
What started as a sideline interest in an eccentric who may or may not have been featured on the highly distinguished Newsnight programme has morphed into a debate as to whether the new chap in charge can hack it - and that's before his wife's had time to sneak the slippers under his shiny new desk.
This matches the demise of Peter Fincham who was in charge during that documentary about the Queen when Her Majesty was erroneously seen to be walking backwards or forwards or certainly the wrong way and or/ not smiling. Fincham's great leaving shot was reported thus: "Blame is spread in many different directions. Errors were made at different levels by different people at different times." A line George Entwistle may well pass on to his speech writers in readiness for his back pocket along with the bottle of water he took with him for one of his many news justifications (sorry conferences).
Timing is all and I suppose that is what these high salaries reflect - apart from other chance elements such as school, class and drinks parties attended.
Janet Street Porter recently gave fine report of how men tended to behave in the corridors of TV in her day but that her hide was always strong to deflect any wrong doing. I can't say my hide was as strong and it's interesting for me (ok, indulgent) to recall my rare walk in the corridors of a TV studio outlet which led me into a dressing room and a fondle - but this was not offensive - since the groping took place between two very interested parties and because we were not famous enough to get a room. Aw...memory lane ...

When Helen Lederer played Rita in 'Educating Rita' with Julian Glover
Of course this is not the week to make light of another era, since stasi-esque commentary is being imposed upon an era that none of its commentators can re-live. More to the point some of the accused perpetrators are still active and in positions of power - if a little reduced with the passing of time and the increase of nostril hair.

Helen, with Dawn French, in the 80's when 'stuff was goin on'
Young people have their own whistles to blow, which reflect today's outrages. My 22-year-old told me it is allowable to be leered at but not touched. We have made progress. Leering is condoned where a grope can be seamlessly jettisoned without too much vexation (or guaranteed publicity) Result?