Anyone could see that Denise plus alcohol only ever spells trouble; or trubble in Frankie's case. Day 18 started like any other, but ended with flash backs to the infamous 'fight night' many Big Brother moons ago.
It all started when the housemates were rewarded with booze when Frankie successfully spelled five bee related words. It became a game of Angry Bees, as Frankie struggled with some pretty simple words; perhaps spelling the names if all the girls he has knobbed would have been easier, but this is only an hour-long show and the clock was already ticking.
The twins and Nicola began to form their own human centipede, leaving Denise feeling lonelier than Frankie's schlong. With the booze a-flowing, the girls began to bond and let their hair extensions down, until Denise supped too much lager and done what pretty much any Brit would do; pulled down Karissa's pants just to see the butt implant scars. This pathetic argument escalated faster than Andrew Stone's mood swings, and the next minute Denise is having a breakdown, Frankie is being told to shut up every 10 seconds, and Nicola is lying at the top of the stairs like an emotionally unhinged leopard; where's my tranquiliser dart...
Denise certainly did embarrass herself on national TV, and made sure that everything went tits up for the second time in a row. The blokes had no clue what to do, as Nicola's two faces came out to play; both of them stuck to the twins million dollar assets.
The twins actually believe they can sue Big Brother for the smallest glimpse of flesh, when they strut round the house with their juicy doubles on display more often than they realise. It's actually laughable that women who pose topless or nude have a problem with someone jokingly pulling down their pants. Yes, it may not make them whores or an easy target, but come on, this is Big Brother. But remember that us Brits have a much more liberal view on T n A than the Yanks; Janet Jackson and nipple gate anyone?
In those argumentative situations I am craving Romeo to spit some bars, or for Frankie to sing his god awful rendition of Rihanna's 'What's My Name.' Anything to break the squawking from the resident Angry Birds. I feel those group of girls give women a bad name, and Nicola has shown her not so squeaky Mclean side by forming her own Mean Girls entourage with the twins. But remember folks, she has only slept with three people, which is the definition of a nice person of course.
I don't agree with the young'uns ganging up on Denise, but she bought it on herself, and what on earth must her poor sons think? I can imagine the letter she received from home would of tipped her over the edge, and I'd bet my Frankie Cocozza fan club badge on her giving a tell all account of her time in the Big Brother house.
Frankie to win in my eyes, as Romeo is Dunn and Michael is stuck in the middle with Denise.