I feel really bad. I haven't written in a LONG TIME, but I have excuses!
1. (Probably the biggest excuse) I was away. Like, abroad away. I went off on a school trip to Nîmes in France with my friends, and let me tell you, it was a rave. Wellnot LITERALLY a rave (though that would've been AWESOME!) but it was really fun all the same. We got to see this am-ah-zing amphitheatre in the town centre, and we used the incredibly complicated French public transport system. We even got to drink wine! It was pretty frickin' cool.
The only downside to the trip was we had to walk, a lot. We even had to walk around 160 steps (I lost count) up this massive tower, though I had no idea what it was used for. I just remember being really scared of how high we were once we got to the top. As well as this, I had to speak French, in public, to actual French people who worked in shops, and in restaurants, and in the train station, etc.
Now, to you reading this, seeing as you are clearly the master of all languages and are sitting there thinking "Maia! French is so damn easy! Why, when I was your age we had to live on our own in France with nothing but a backpack and a sac of dreams..."
HOWEVER, to me it was a proper mission, as I'm sure it was for most of my friends, because pretty much the only words I used the entire time were "Je voudrais" which means "I would like" and then just point at the thing I wanted, or just simply "errr... Do you speak English?" for when times were desperate (the majority of times were desperate).
BUT, the one thing that really freaked me out on this trip (and quite a few other girls who were on the trip too) is how bloody PERVY all the French guys were! To quote one on my friends, "they're so horny, it's actually quite scary!". I don't know whether it was because we were clearly a group of tourists, or they do that all the time, but it was WEIRD AS.
All in all the trip was great and I had a laugh with everyone who was there (except the guy in our group who shouted to some of the guys on the trip that I wanted to shag one of them, not cool.)
2. It is half term! Normally during half term, I'd go on a school trip, then come home and sleep, go into town to watch crappy films, and see my friends the whole time.
And yes, I did do most of that stuff, one day I ended up in a cemetary with some people that I'd only met like, once... But that's I story I'd rather not dive into right now, as it wasn't that eventful.
What I am pissed off about is the amount of homework teachers give over the half term! I mean seriously, it's like they think we have the ability to stop time so we can get through all of this crap. TEENAGERS HAVE SOCIAL LIVES, HOMEWORK RUINS THAT! I can't even begin to describe the amount of history homework I was set, but let me tell you, it's a lot.
3. I am lazy. Plain and simple. I am a big fan of procastination (leaving things to the last minute, not a rude word. Cheeky) and so I put off the idea of writing, as it makes my hands hurt and means I have to think about stuff I've done, which most of the time... ain't a lot.
But, I promise (or at least promise to try) to write a blog every week... or two weeks. It'll probably end up being every two weeks, unless I get bored.
So, till next time my lovely lovelies!
-Maia x