Bernie Sanders

The Democratic Party's nominee to challenge Donald Trump won't be confirmed today. But it could make one person unstoppable.
Longshot candidate ends his campaign before 'Super Tuesday'.
Candidates move to the crunch the 'Super Tuesday' with former vice president claiming a comeback.
The Jimmy Kimmel Live! host revisited an old segment to troll Ted Cruz.
The Vermont senator drew most of the attacks onstage in Charleston. But it might be too late to stop his march to the nomination.
The Vermont senator triumphs in contest in first racially diverse state. Can anyone stop him?
MSNBC's Chris Matthews has also speculated whether the Democrat frontrunner wants to see people executed in Central Park.
The former vice-president's three previous campaigns ended disastrously. But he's the most well-known politician in the race to become the Democratic Party's presidential candidate.
The left-wing senator hopes to be swept to power by a grassroots network and a pro-worker agenda.
The democratic socialist is assembling a broad coalition of voters.