Cultural Groups

Over half of women living with HIV in the UK have experienced violence
Councils need to be commissioning services that specifically support women and girls and take into account their experiences of violence and trauma
In my many travels around the world I have come across many brave people - Sovanratana Boung would have to be one of the most courageous
The most recent gender pay gap data shows few good results and some truly shocking ones
In the UK alone, more than a third of trans people have reported hate crimes against them in 2017
It’s time for all women to be free. It’s time to change the law
Talking to my friends and fellow students at school, there is always a simple and resonating “no” when asked
We have moved from the ‘celebrating difference’ era to one where shared values need to be nurtured and defended
'It carries so much more weight than a simple 'f**k off'.'