I am giving the Olympic Games its own Gold Medal for selling sex the best we have ever seen.
Obviously I can imagine it will be taken with open arms from a non-sporting, critical 20-something year old. But you must agree the sex show has been pretty epic this year.
Tom Daley, the nation's cherished diver, has made it into Grazia magazine's weekly 'Chart of Lust'. He appeared semi-naked in The Sunday Times Style supplement, alongside an interview that described him as a 'Hunk in Trunks.' He has just turned 18.
British boxer, Anthony Ogogo was also in the news with an image of his rippling torso alongside the headine: 'It's not true what they say about sex before a big fight'.
Over the past week, Jessica Ennis has adorned the covers of national newspapers and magazines after she won a heptathlon breaking the British points record, and so positioning herself as the front girl for gold at the Games this year. Breaking records is newsworthy, but wearing skimpy clothes is not.
The GB women's beach volleyball team has taken up plenty of column inches in their smalls as they launched the transport for London road closure tool, against yet more lovely headlines: 'why not the badminton team? Because they wouldn't stop traffic'.
US Vogue has jumped in as well, hosting pictures of hotties Ryan Lochte, tennis wonder woman Serena Williams and goalkeeper Hope Solo. Of course, they are strolling around a beach in dare to bare all swimwear. Who on earth would want to see their sporting prowess?
We all understand that athletes are in their prime so toned arms, washboard stomachs and peachy bums are hardly a surprise. But why should we be held down by our lack of vests and shorts, while the men try and run faster and jump higher. Or spare a thought for the religious women that have to run in long pants and headscarves.
Never before have we been forced to look at the model-like athletes with such come to bed eyes. And that is why it gets its own gold medal.