Alcohol has long been associated in many parts of the world with enjoyment and celebration but unfortunately, this is not always the case. Violence against women can be related to the irresponsible use of alcohol.
Alcohol has long been associated in many parts of the world with enjoyment and celebration but unfortunately, this is not always the case. Violence against women can be related to the irresponsible use of alcohol.
We've seen several studies which show that men who misuse alcohol are 1.6 to 4.8 times more likely to perpetrate intimate partner violence than men who do not misuse alcohol. We recognise this and have thus championed many initiatives to combat alcohol misuse and promote responsible drinking.
We stand in support of an abuse-free society and invite South Africans to join us and contribute towards 365 days of no violence against Women and Children. Our goal with the #StrideForGood campaign is to drive awareness and garner South Africans to pledge to eradicate women and child abuse for 365 days of the year.
As the spirits market leader globally, we take responsibility to promote responsible use of alcohol. Our ambition is to become the most trusted, respected and best performing consumer goods company. We invest in the prevention of drunk driving through the Diageo Drive Dry Campaign. Diageo has also initiated Responsible Drinking Media Awards (RDMA) to encourage the mainstream media to report more about problems of alcohol harm and profile various initiatives that are implemented to address the problem across the country.
At an alcohol industry level, we also work with competitors, pulling together resources to maximize the impact of interventions. Through Aware.org which aims to partner with government and civil society groups in channeling this investment to programmes with the highest impact.
We feel that education is key and understanding the root of what leads to violence can assist in curbing this phenomenon. In light of this, we urge people to seek help and become advocates of a violence-free society.
It is everyone's responsibility to ensure an abuse-free society.