London 2012 - what a blast! A whole nation carried along on a tidal wave of positive images and human triumph.
For six weeks bad news was pushed temporarily to the middle pages and often off the agenda altogether. And don't we all feel better for it.
Jon Snow - moved by running with the Paralympic Torch said with real emotion: "I'm a cynic. I'm a hack. I expected to feel cynical about this, but it's been amazing. I just wonder whether we journalists can't take some of this back into our everyday lives - celebrate the good in humanity a bit more."
It sounds a bit cheesy today. The circus is packing its bags, taking down the Union flags and learning Russian to prepare for the next big Olympic/Paralympic event in Sochi in two years' time. But Jon is right - freed from the daily diet of man's hopeless inhumanity towards man and the irrecoverable nature of the global economy - guess what? Is that optimism and the elusive 'feel good' factor I see?
Frankly you'd have to be a robot not to be uplifted by Dave Weir's amazing triumphs on the track, Ellie in the pool and nineteen year old Jonnie Peacock's elite sporting prowess and shining attitude as he stole the crown in the 100 metre final.
But there has been something in the air this summer that has truly brought out the best of us . And this is where I want to praise the Tiggers.
Now Tigger sometimes gets a bad rap. Britain, in particular, can sometimes seem to specialise in a world-weary cynicism. Who decided that being smart makes you Eyore? To be a Tigger is to know that possibility is better than impossibility, a smile is better than a frown, and Barack Obama became President of America with three simple words: Yes we can.