5 Ways to Beat Post-Festival Blues

The banging beats of Leftfield's epic Sonic Stage headline set shall live forever in my heart (sorry Kanye), and I know if we apply the same dedication to recovery as we did to partying last week we'll be back to normal in no time.

Across the country this week, thousands of Glastonbury Festival goers, (myself included), are coming back to reality with an almighty thud. The stages are empty, the long drops are gone, Cider Bus is no more, and the ever-alluring call of Shangri-La or Arcadia after hours is no longer ringing in our ears.

Or is it?

This time last week we'd been on site for just a few hours. Our tents were up, airbeds inflated (comfort first, kids), and keg of medium sweet cider cracked open in anticipation of what was to come. Five days seems like such a long time when you're sitting on the cusp of the Greatest Festival on Earth - now it's all a distant dream.

This week we're back to work and normality, and our 'line up' for the day is filled with deadlines, tasks and responsibilities instead of bands and DJ sets.

We can do it though guys. We can get through this.

The banging beats of Leftfield's epic Sonic Stage headline set shall live forever in my heart (sorry Kanye), and I know if we apply the same dedication to recovery as we did to partying last week we'll be back to normal in no time.

5 step action plan to beat the post-Glasto blues:

1. Get some shut-eye

It might be the least favourable thing to do when you're actually at the festival, but sleep is bound to be high on your list of priorities right now. Get to bed at least half an hour to an hour earlier than you normally would (if you can last that long!). And if the horrifying sound of silence is too much to bear and you're missing the comforting hum of a rowdy campsite and nearby stage, put some slow music on low volume to sleep to.

Not Chemical Brothers.

2. Detox

Get off the 10am cider. Outside of Glastonbury's glorious 8.5mile perimeter walls, it tends to be frowned upon to chug the sweet stuff with your bacon sarnie. Cut your alcohol consumption back down to an acceptable level and get back on the fruit and vegetables this week.

Start your days with protein and fat-rich breakfasts (eggs, avocados, smoked salmon), and load your lunch plate with colourful veg and nutrients. Fill up with good carbs (brown rice, pasta, vegetables), and drink lots of water, staying away from caffeine if you can. You'll have lost a lot of sugar and salt throughout the weekend of drinking and dancing so it's important to rehydrate well throughout this week.

3. Recharge and reboost

Five days of festivalling takes its toll on even the hardiest of souls but it's nothing a few days of rest and recuperation can't fix. Supplement your recovery efforts with some Vitamin C to boost your immune system, and recharge your serotonin levels with some 5HTP, a natural supplement derived from the amino acid L-Tryptophan that's used to make serotonin.

With the big bad internet at our fingertips though, it's easy to fall into the trap of purchasing fake supplements, so make sure you get yours from a trusted supplier.

4. Exercise

You may have walked over 70 miles across the festival site, danced your socks off all weekend, and even made it to the Thursday morning run around the site, but that's no excuse to stop moving now. Once you've caught up with your sleep, walk or cycle to work, go for an easy run in the sunshine, or maybe a gentle swim.

You don't need to go and run a marathon, but sitting at your desk through your lunchbreak and collapsing on the sofa when you get home isn't going to help. Get out and find some endorphins.

5. Book another one!

If all else fails, you know what to do...

Glastonbury organisers have already announced the dates for next year's event but there are plenty of other UK festivals coming up whet your appetite for the big one.


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