When was the last time you expressed your appreciation for being created? I am talking about feeling consumed with glee (not the TV-show) and expressing it through song or dance - actually not too dissimilar from the show come to think of it.
Many people react quite resolutely towards Religion, followers are obviously going to have loud voices in varying degrees but the non believers on the other hand see religion differently, especially when the displays are as animated as some Pentecostal Christians can be. Non believers often see the fired up healing/praying/singing/hallelujah'ing behaviour as corny and over the top - even some believers think so too I might add.
I was walking down the street today - on a Sunday, past a really rundown looking community hall which just happened to be a church location. They advertised 'Praise every Sunday', and it got me thinking; when did being 'Spiritual' mean being too cool to dance whilst singing praise to Source/Spirit/Universe/Angels - or whichever energy you chat to late at night?
It is really simple for people to answer the question of 'Are you Religious?', with 'No, I am spiritual!', yet that seems too often mean they just don't actually express any passion or love for the point of their creation, in whatever manner you perceive creation point to be - you should have some sort of excitement, and gratitude for it creating you, right?
If we have a look at the past we see how the trend and tradition was that people came together in covens, groups, clans, branches, clubs - or whatever name you would like to call it, and they raised energy together through song, dance and ritual generating energy for the purpose of praise to their Creator, and during that time they raised collective energy which they then dedicated to their particular motive for the night, perhaps healing, good harvests, or even warding off negative spirits, the list goes on.
This wasn't really a choice as much as just plain normal; people were in tight knit tribal groups where lives were simple and honoured the cycle of time and nature. The Westernised society on the other hand has robbed us of direct dedication towards a Spiritual source. Think about it; what would be the equivalent in today's society, money - or maybe nightclubbing?
So what did our tribal ancestors know that western society seems to have dissolved? One obvious key thing is the collective energy which would be raised in a tribal environment showed results; they would all come together to worship and petition their Gods. They were united in their pursuit of Divine intervention. You may have heard the Bible verse: "When two or more are gathered in my name, I am in their midst". The proof is evident throughout history that tribe and Spirit worked together intertwined, for the betterment of the tribe - typically with a mystic, wise person, magician, or spiritual figurehead guiding them. Western society on the other hand seems to breed this almost now expected solitary urge for many, the group doesn't support everyone. We create the need for so many solitary people because these people and their passion doesn't match the status quo at the time - until they become a success, and then $$ speaks louder than words.
Many people moan about the fact the western 'culture' has robbed many nations' cultures, activities and languages, what about the spiritual culture that we have sacrificed at the expense of being westernised?
My friend, Kelly Cutrone is very passionate about the tribe concept. She explains in her book 'Normal gets you nowhere' how we are all subconsciously recreating the tribal environment through friends, who become the family we choose for ourselves. Spiritually we know this is true, that many people are reconnecting with their 'soul families' or 'soul group' at this time. So the people you find and create a tight knit family with are indeed your family - your soul family, or 'tribe' as Kelly would say.
If you were an all powerful force, which created and guided life, I'm you would appreciate someone saying thank you and being grateful, rather than moaning about everything going on which they simply don't understand - after all you have it all planned.
Besides it just being plain polite, we know that whatever energy you give out is returned to you - generally multiplied. So wouldn't it just make sense to focus on a powerful vibe of thankfulness and feeling that returned from the Universe? Don't let the Christians have all the fun, let's get dancing!